Tony Romomentum


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By Danny Elzner

QB talks about beating the Eagles and breaking the bank

Tony Romo had a very good week.

He signed a big bucks deal and he was as good as gold against the Eagles.
Did he have more pressure to play well since he's making a lot more money?
"The money side of it doesn't do anything," Romo said. "It's nice but I'm still waiting for something to be different in my life."

"I want some really cute girl to come up to me and say you're rich, let's hang out," Romo continued. "It hasn't happened yet. I'm still waiting."
Still waiting?

Britney Spears, Jessica Simpson, Sophia Bush and Carrie Underwood are on the waiting list.

Romo helped silence the Philadelphia fans by checking off to Terrell Owens for a touchdown pass.

"Right before the snap I started screaming at T. O.," Romo said. "He gave me the look and he broke the route."

"I fired the ball and he just went to the house," Romo continued. "I was so happy to see that he looked."

Romo was near-perfect except for one play. He threw an interception just before the half.

He blamed it on NBC's lead announcer.

"I blame Al Michaels," Romo joked. "He said you're the highest rated quarterback outside of the pocket in the league and you need to get outside more."

"I said you're right," Romo continued. "Outside the pocket? Pick. I'm done."
Romo was 20-of-25 for 324 yards passing and three touchdowns. He's led the Cowboys to their best start since the Super Bowl season of 1995.

He's a very instinctive player," said Cowboys offensive coordinator Jason Garrett. "He sees a lot of things and you saw that in the game."

"He made a lot of winning football plays," Garrett continued. "That may go a little unnoticed but they made a big difference in the game."


Well-Known Member
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I saw at least a dozen plays which Drew Bleedslow would have ended up getting sacked.


The Duke
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How do you say that without biting your tongue?



Well-Known Member
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Romo's contract is perfect. 6 years. By the time it runs out, he'll be 33. Not sure how much longer he'll have.

So when do we start grooming our next Tony Romo?


The Proletariat
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Eddie;1748722 said:
I saw at least a dozen plays which Drew Bleedslow would have ended up getting sacked.

Glenn hasn't seen the field since day one of the season; Bledsoe would've gotten sacked on every snap.

How've you been Eddie? Don't think I've seen you since DMN days, or something like that.


The Proletariat
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Nice little article.

I try not to think about it too much, but how the hell did this really happen?
I'd been hearing his name since the days of Drew and Chad, and thought, just another name to pass by. Now he's the franchise QB and doing it with real style.


Active Member
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Guys, don't worry. Romo will be around a lot longer then 6 years--when he'll be 33. If he's as successful as we hope, Jerry will extend that contract another few years, etc. Many successful QBs play very well into their late
30s. Peyton Manning is 32 and he's certainly nowhere near finished. Favre on the other hand is around 38.

Don't be so anxious to find his successor/replacement. Just enjoy the opportunity to watch Romo develop into the franchise QB we've so needed for so long. Finding his eventual successor won't be as easy as many of you think.

It was sheer luck we got Romo or else God really was looking down on his favorite team through the hole in Texas Stadium roof & saw our struggles. Don't forget in late April 2003 Cowboys signed an undrafted rookie QB out of Eastern Illinois who Parcells newly hired defacto OC had been very high on for 1-2 years.

I've always wondered what Jerry really thought when he fully comprehended that the franchise QB he had been so desperately searching for was already a Cowboy.