Too bad we cant get rid of roy at the end of the season


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He's having his worst season as far as tackles, sacks and forced fumbles. He has been less of an impact and I think the kicker of it all is the way he cant cover. Not only receivers deep but he cant even cover Tight ends. He has gotten beaten ALOT. He cant add 15 pounds and play linebacker in our defense and he cant play SS, he is too much of a liability and no longer do we need a safety covering our butts at the LOS. We have a pretty good front 7, even better when the young guys get better in the offseason. What this teams needs, and especially with Henry out there, is a SS that can cover very well, one who is a sure tackler, doesnt have to be a great one. Right not we are just not getting our bang for the buck with Roy. Even if we get a real Free safety in here teams are still going to pick on Roy all game. They will spread us out and the bottom line is he just can cover.


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dude you dont know what your talking about. he has 7 take aways 5 ints and 2 forced fumbles. and hes only having a down year cuz hes trying to play both safety positions at the same time cuz we dont have a free safety that can be trusted thats why his numbers are down. we need to keep him


The Duke
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There's 15 wasted seconds of my life. I should have known better when I saw the thread title.

My bad. Entirely my bad.


Well-Known Member
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Yeah! Great idea man!

Let's put Keith Davis in at SS and Pat Watkins in at FS!

That'd be great!



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Forget about him "slimming down" to cover receivers better. Not gonna happen at his age. He'll either stay at the same weight (and be paired with a competent FS) or get heavier and make the switch to LB if we revert to the 4-3.


05 & 09 Pick a Winner Champ
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Hostile;1254244 said:
There's 15 wasted seconds of my life. I should have known better when I saw the thread title.

My bad. Entirely my bad.
I wasted 30 seconds I can never get back. I am the fool.


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well tell me this all you know it all' you believe that roy can cover at an adequate level? how can we get to the superbowl when he is so bad at covering when we fix the FS position, we are still going to get torched! When was the last time he really made a play on the ball...i mean a game saving knockdown where he had to really extend himself...i dont mean where the ball is thrown right to him so dont bring up the five picks ..let's face it right now we need a cover SS more than least at an average level...he is not even you guys who are naysayers even understand the game? do you even know what is going on or do you just type in la la land all day on here?


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STSINAZ;1254252 said:
well tell me this all you know it all' you believe that roy can cover at an adequate level? how can we get to the superbowl when he is so bad at covering when we fix the FS position, we are still going to get torched! When was the last time he really made a play on the ball...i mean a game saving knockdown where he had to really extend himself...i dont mean where the ball is thrown right to him so dont bring up the five picks ..let's face it right now we need a cover SS more than least at an average level...he is not even you guys who are naysayers even understand the game? do you even know what is going on or do you just type in la la land all day on here?

Do you know anything about what's going on?

FS is much much worse for us. Fix the FS position, and see how Roy plays.

Seriously, why do I see so many Roy hate threads, and NO Keith Davis hate threads.

Roy - 5 INT's, KD - 0 INt's

Last I checked, Davis had 0 pass defensed...ZERO! He's our cover safety, and he has ZERO passes defensed. Fix that position first.


The Duke
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STSINAZ;1254252 said:
well tell me this all you know it all' you believe that roy can cover at an adequate level? how can we get to the superbowl when he is so bad at covering when we fix the FS position, we are still going to get torched! When was the last time he really made a play on the ball...i mean a game saving knockdown where he had to really extend himself...i dont mean where the ball is thrown right to him so dont bring up the five picks ..let's face it right now we need a cover SS more than least at an average level...he is not even you guys who are naysayers even understand the game? do you even know what is going on or do you just type in la la land all day on here?
I've forgotten more about the game than you will ever know. This thread is proof. The man is a Pro Bowl Strong Safety voted by NFL players and coaches. Clearly they know more than you.


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STSINAZ;1254252 said:
When was the last time he really made a play on the ball...i mean a game saving knockdown where he had to really extend himself...i dont mean where the ball is thrown right to him so dont bring up the five picks

Well, he had the pick that won the Monday nighter in Philly last year. He made two instrumental plays in beating the Skins in September (tackling Betts behind the LOS and the interception near the goal line).

I can't believe I'm defending Roy. I feel so dirty.


05 & 09 Pick a Winner Champ
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STSINAZ;1254252 said:
well tell me this all you know it all' you believe that roy can cover at an adequate level? how can we get to the superbowl when he is so bad at covering when we fix the FS position, we are still going to get torched! When was the last time he really made a play on the ball...i mean a game saving knockdown where he had to really extend himself...i dont mean where the ball is thrown right to him so dont bring up the five picks ..let's face it right now we need a cover SS more than least at an average level...he is not even you guys who are naysayers even understand the game? do you even know what is going on or do you just type in la la land all day on here?
Yes, as a matter of fact I do know the game. These are the facts. If we had a top notch free safety, Roy would be free (in most defenses they run) to do what he does best, be a dynamic play-maker, especially in run support near the LOS. Granted, he could be better in coverage, but he is a playmaker and we need him. What you are spouting is nonsense.


Cowboy for Life
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This _______ really pisses me off. They want Roy outta here and hes one of the best Safties in the League. If you want the best you know wut? You cant always have the best. If you look around the league, every defensive back gets beat. Great players have ups n downs...I dont understand all you who want him out! I bet if another guy comes in his place u'd throw him under the bus too...OH WAIT!!..U'll probably throw the WHOLE TEAM IF WE LOSE AGAINST THE EAGLES..cuz DALLAS AINT DOING ANYTHING IN THE PLAYOFFS, and BP's sux!!


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STSINAZ (or BBGun), could you please list all known first downs and TDs given up by Roy?


Mr. Wright
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kØwbØy;1254272 said:
This _______ really pisses me off. They want Roy outta here and hes one of the best Safties in the League. If you want the best you know wut? You cant always have the best. If you look around the league, every defensive back gets beat. Great players have ups n downs...I dont understand all you who want him out! I bet if another guy comes in his place u'd throw him under the bus too...OH WAIT!!..U'll probably throw the WHOLE TEAM IF WE LOSE AGAINST THE EAGLES..cuz DALLAS AINT DOING ANYTHING IN THE PLAYOFFS, and BP's sux!!

I am 100% with you.

I am tired enough with these RW threads.

I am officially boycotting all RW hate threads.


Next Year's Champions
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STSINAZ;1254238 said:
He's having his worst season as far as tackles, sacks and forced fumbles. He has been less of an impact and I think the kicker of it all is the way he cant cover. Not only receivers deep but he cant even cover Tight ends. He has gotten beaten ALOT. He cant add 15 pounds and play linebacker in our defense and he cant play SS, he is too much of a liability and no longer do we need a safety covering our butts at the LOS. We have a pretty good front 7, even better when the young guys get better in the offseason. What this teams needs, and especially with Henry out there, is a SS that can cover very well, one who is a sure tackler, doesnt have to be a great one. Right not we are just not getting our bang for the buck with Roy. Even if we get a real Free safety in here teams are still going to pick on Roy all game. They will spread us out and the bottom line is he just can cover.

Tell us how you REALLY feel.....:rolleyes:
Go Roy, go!


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STSINAZ;1254238 said:
He's having his worst season as far as tackles

Have you taken into account that teams are designing run plays that take Roy out of the play because of his playmaking ability? Many announcers have noted this during the games. He hasn't been burned nearly as much as you want us to believe. Just because you see him around the play when big plays are made on us doesnt mean that he is the one getting burned. Also, if we had a decent pass rush then Roy would be even more effective. Brush up on your football knowledge before you want to criticize one of our best players.


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theogt;1254274 said:
STSINAZ (or BBGun), could you please list all known first downs and TDs given up by Roy?

You're not dragging me into this. Roy is overrated and overpaid, but I don't want him cut at the end of the year. That's the gist of the thread.