Too bad we cant get rid of roy at the end of the season


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bbgun;1254279 said:
You're not dragging me into this. Roy is overrated and overpaid, but I don't want him cut at the end of the year. That's the gist of the thread.
Fair enough. I"m sure STSINAZ can't think of any, so I don't expect him to answer.


Federal Agent
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Is there any possible way to remove someone from existance, including their past?


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Hostile;1254264 said:
I've forgotten more about the game than you will ever know. This thread is proof. The man is a Pro Bowl Strong Safety voted by NFL players and coaches. Clearly they know more than you.

your last statement shows your ability to understand the game...probowl is a popularity contest...everyone knows that...are you being serious? were you drinking?


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shnagy;1254277 said:
Have you taken into account that teams are designing run plays that take Roy out of the play because of his playmaking ability? Many announcers have noted this during the games. He hasn't been burned nearly as much as you want us to believe. Just because you see him around the play when big plays are made on us doesnt mean that he is the one getting burned. Also, if we had a decent pass rush then Roy would be even more effective. Brush up on your football knowledge before you want to criticize one of our best players.

He's one of our best players against the run...and lately he hasnt been wrapping up so that is in question at this point..but he is one of the worst against the pass...that's overrated in my book...he wont be what we need to win it guys need to get your head out of the sand on this..big hits dont equal production! lately he has been knocking out more players on his own team too which actually is negating from what he is


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bbgun;1254279 said:
You're not dragging me into this. Roy is overrated and overpaid, but I don't want him cut at the end of the year. That's the gist of the thread.

I have seen Roy get worked by shockey year after year...then i saw leinart juke him out of his jock and score a TD...then I saw some no name TE's score against him..i mean who hasnt scored on him? something is wrong with the guy..he is overweight also...he has gotten his big money and played the worst he has in all 5 years!


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shnagy;1254277 said:
Have you taken into account that teams are designing run plays that take Roy out of the play because of his playmaking ability? Many announcers have noted this during the games. He hasn't been burned nearly as much as you want us to believe. Just because you see him around the play when big plays are made on us doesnt mean that he is the one getting burned. Also, if we had a decent pass rush then Roy would be even more effective. Brush up on your football knowledge before you want to criticize one of our best players.

yes but now he isnt even wrapping up! is he eating the cheese in hollywood after his big signing?


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DragonCowboy;1254256 said:
Do you know anything about what's going on?

FS is much much worse for us. Fix the FS position, and see how Roy plays.

Seriously, why do I see so many Roy hate threads, and NO Keith Davis hate threads.

Roy - 5 INT's, KD - 0 INt's

Last I checked, Davis had 0 pass defensed...ZERO! He's our cover safety, and he has ZERO passes defensed. Fix that position first.

I am looking ahead...even if we fix that position the way roy is playing, he will be a serious liability..he's lucky he got that money because if not he probably would be sent packing...he just cant cover...everyone knows that? are you guys living in the twilight zone? have you watched the games? the real roy would have stopped lienart dead in his tracks! the real roy would have covered those no name TE' least I think...he just cant cover and now he isnt even wrapping up players! 54 tackles????????????? thats crazy and last I checked they are running away from DWARE not ROY....


The Duke
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STSINAZ;1254398 said:
your last statement shows your ability to understand the game...probowl is a popularity contest...everyone knows that...are you being serious? were you drinking?
I don't watch the Pro Bowl. It doesn't change the fact that NFL players and Coaches think higher of Roy than you do.

I don't drink. I also don't spout nonsense.

Yes, I'm being serious, your original post was completely lacking in football knowledge.


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STSINAZ;1254403 said:
I am looking ahead...even if we fix that position the way roy is playing, he will be a serious liability..he's lucky he got that money because if not he probably would be sent packing...he just cant cover...everyone knows that? are you guys living in the twilight zone? have you watched the games? the real roy would have stopped lienart dead in his tracks! the real roy would have covered those no name TE' least I think...he just cant cover and now he isnt even wrapping up players! 54 tackles????????????? thats crazy and last I checked they are running away from DWARE not ROY....

Complaining about your SAFETY not having enough tackles eh? That's real smart... I don't guess the DLinemen or LBers should do their job and should let the RB right through the line so Roy can rack up some tackle stats. :rolleyes:


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Hostile;1254264 said:
I've forgotten more about the game than you will ever know. This thread is proof. The man is a Pro Bowl Strong Safety voted by NFL players and coaches. Clearly they know more than you.

tnewman41;1254241 said:
dude you dont know what your talking about. he has 7 take aways 5 ints and 2 forced fumbles. and hes only having a down year cuz hes trying to play both safety positions at the same time cuz we dont have a free safety that can be trusted thats why his numbers are down. we need to keep him



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STSINAZ;1254403 said:
I am looking ahead...even if we fix that position the way roy is playing, he will be a serious liability..he's lucky he got that money because if not he probably would be sent packing...he just cant cover...everyone knows that? are you guys living in the twilight zone? have you watched the games? the real roy would have stopped lienart dead in his tracks! the real roy would have covered those no name TE' least I think...he just cant cover and now he isnt even wrapping up players! 54 tackles????????????? thats crazy and last I checked they are running away from DWARE not ROY....

So, what you are really saying is that Roy is having a bad year and that the "real Roy" would be playing so much better than he is now. Right?

So, if the above is correct, what you are saying is that since Roy is having one bad year he should be cut because it is clearly a sign that his better years are behind him and he will never be what he once was.

There are people on here watching the Bronco's and the Bengals that saw Ekuban make a sack and complaining that we should have never let him go. What would you be saying if we let Roy go and then he becomes the player you once worshiped?

For gosh sakes...this is stupid.


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the truth has been spoken, believe it or put your head in the sand


Brain Dead Shill
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STSINAZ;1256119 said:
the truth has been spoken, believe it or put your head in the sand

Seeing as how we don't all live in the desert (and by your sig i'm assuming you do), and that the truth that has been told refutes your original post, perhaps it would be more appropriate for you to place your head in said sand. Just a thought...;)


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STSINAZ;1256119 said:
the truth has been spoken, believe it or put your head in the sand

:rolleyes: ....... There is not a Strong Safety in the league better than Roy.

Now start your comparisons between him and Free Safeties and Corner backs ....... like your buddy likes to do.