I was waiting for someone to respond to the fact that Lavar was not on my top ten list. First off "2k1nsm2u" I am not a 'Boys fan and I did not base that list on what teams I do or do not like. Second...as for the MOST OVERRATED player in professional sports -Mr. Arrington- please explain to me what it is that makes him so great. He is "routinely" out of position and not sticking to his assignments. I live in the DC area so I see plenty of Commanders games... he is not a great tackler, because instead of wrapping up, he like to make sportscenter with a big hit, which ends up missing half of the time. If yo want to argue stats, we can do that too.... look at the leading tacklers in the league and tell me where Mr. Arrington is ranked. I agree that most people put him in the top 5, sometimes even as the best outside LB, but for some reason he has all you idiots fooled. I'm curious to see if I'm the only one who actually watches this guy, or does everyone get fooled by the occasional Big Hit!!!