11 INTs hasn't been done in decades, though, by any player for any team.
Yet, still, not in the conversation as much because he plays corner, the INTs are rare (so expectations of an 11 INT repeat are low), and Micah Parsons overshadows his limelight.
Still, though, I'll take both of them. They both make each other better. Trevon helps Parsons be more successful, and vice versa, and a lot of people don't mention Diggs when talking about great players on the Cowboys defense right now. He's also a good teammate, team player.
So, he's been very underrated by fans. That's all I'm saying.
Also, the term was "possibly." I'm saying an argument can be made.
He doesn't play two positions very well. But that's not necessary for him to be great at his position.
Our fans were ruined by Deion's flashy runbacks. Cornerbacks around here haven't gotten much love since him. Then again, Deion never got 11.
Diggs' talent can help you win a SB. Not a player who just holds it down well enough to come along for the ride. He has that level of talent. Parsons and Diggs both do.