Bob Sacamano;3273764 said:stumped him again with Archie Clement, notorious bushwacker and Jesse James' mentor in crime
Cajuncowboy;3273300 said:HA! I stumped him with Roger Staubach.
CowboyWay;3273775 said:Now this is weird. Since I read that it stumped you, I picked Roger to see what it did.
1st guess, it guessed right.
MarionBarberThe4th;3273780 said:You must have answered the questions better
Im trying to help it get it b/c its cool seeing a pic of super mario or Paul Blart pop up
Took him three times to get Elmer Fudd!daschoo;3273235 said:
think of either a celebrity or fictional character and this thing guesses who you have chosen. it got mike jenkins on the third guess then i picked a sports news presenter and it got her straight away.