Ty Law...

Thick 'N Hearty

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A couple things to think about regarding Law.

1. Is he in playing shape that would allow him to contribute. Jones missed football for a year and was still trying to knock the rust off.

2. It will take a couple weeks for him to get up to speed on what this defense does. This isn't like baseball or basketball where you just go out and do your thing. There are different schemes and coverages that he would need to learn.

3. By bringing in a veteran, would that inhibit our young CBs ability to learn? Worst case scenario, we head into the bye week at 4-5. Not sure what the turnaround is on Newman's surgery, or that he would even be able to contribute much when he does come back.

4. Would it be too much of a risk to pay a veteran DB an exhorbitant amount of money? He's not a spring chicken any more.


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Just to get my name out there.....

I'm available to play CB.

Never played CB before and Im terribly out of shape but at least I could hang around for a few seasons.


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Hoofbite;2341954 said:
Just to get my name out there.....

I'm available to play CB.

Never played CB before and Im terribly out of shape but at least I could hang around for a few seasons.

I don't know about cb but can you play LG? You couldn't be any worse than Proctor and Holland. :laugh2:


The Duke
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Poor Nors. He hung so much effort on that one move and it backfired so badly right in his face. Thread after thread, post after post, year after year. It got so bad that he actually had to lie about a trade in the works per his good friend and dorm buddy, Scott Pioli. I have no idea if they were in the same dorm and friends or not. The trade rumor was pure nonsense.

After it blew up he took to disliking any trade trade rumor that other people thought up first. Unable to deliver on his trade or acquisition predictions he tries in vain to turn the focus on everyone else. It used to be Darren Howard. He even brought that back up a few days ago and I won 50 bucks in a bet because he did. He simply can't let anything go because his guy fell through and he took so much hell for it.

To try and get even he downplays the player people are excited about and makes up bogus stuff about their worth. The latest is Roy Williams. He actually has the audacity to maintain Shaun McDonald and Mike Furrey are more important to the Lions Offense than Williams was and that they produced more. It is a sad, pathetic little charade. You sort of envision one of those toy monkeys with the cymbals clanging together demanding your attention.

Forget Ty Law people. That was never in the cards. Poor Nors.