Under this new coaching staff, will discipline finally be in order?

Whenever someone brings up team discipline, especially in the last couple decades, I remember what Jimmy Johnson always said. “ You play the way you practice. “.

That’s why Jimmy was hard on the players during practice and TC. Asthma field, running sprints, getting in player’s faces. And you knew HE was in charge, not some GM, HC wannabe. So don’t expect miracles with the idiot and son still there.
This is a great point but I don't think Jimmy could get away with that anymore.
Discipline has been an issue for so long in Dallas. It was a problem under Clapping Carrot, and it has been a problem under McCarthy. The question is, do the Cowboys draft stupid players, or is it a lax environment?

I think the NFLPA has made it impossible to discipline players unless their actions are egregious. What's left for coaches to do to players? Bench them? Cut them?

I think culture is one aspect and it has been a problem at Camp Booger. The focus not being on winning is a problem I imagine.

I don't think any coach Jerry hires is going to fix that. Then again, I never thought I'd see the day when Jerry wasn't mugging for the cameras at the combine either.
The problem nowadays is that with all the rules set by the NFLPA, you can't have too many practices with pads, and it limits you to more walkthroughs (low effort practices), etc. Practices just aren't the same as they used to be. Penalties have been an issue with this team for many years (regardless of players and HC's). The ones that drive me crazy are the pre-snap penalties, as those can be corrected. Most other penalties are at the whim of the referees.
Good points but all NFL teams practice under the same NFLPA rules. Even so, Dallas (except somewhat under Parcells) has repeatedly been plagued with focus issues that should have been reduced via practice. Focus issues have been constant under multiple coaching staffs.

There has been one constant though. One leadership factor that has overseen decades of the same-old, same-old.
I believe McCarthy had a disciplined team until last year when he saw the writing on the wall with him being a lame duck coach and the Jones Boys giving him the worst offseason in history. I don't think McCarthy gave it his all and I don't blame him. I believe Schotty will build a disciplined, better coach team if the front office stays out of it and lets him do his thing.
MM is not an alpha type coach. He is not a disciplinarian. He is a poor man's Andy Reid. Players play for him bc thye like him. He just didn't have enough talent on the field for most of the year to compete.
The penalties have been a problem for several years having spanned the tenure of several coaches and players with the lone constant Jerry Jones. Perhaps the environment Jerry creates for his players isn’t conducive to practicing with purpose, focus and discipline. We have all heard reports from several ex-players about all of the distractions when practicing and that football didn’t apppear to be the main priority with Dallas as it was on their current teams; so perhaps that carries over into games.
How does one concentrate on one’s craft when you conduct public tours of your workplace? It makes it hard to do your job is what it does.
We've seen this team for years struggle to be a disciplined team. Penalties on offense to kill drives at the wrong time, bone head plays on defense getting personal foul calls/off sides etc at critical points in the game. With this new coaching staff, can they instill the discipline in this team that has been lacking for years? They keep bringing up culture and wanting to communicate with these players. Will they communicate and stress the need to be discipline and hold these players accountable??? Please give your thoughts!!!
on the lips...yes...reality says no, because even if we start that direction, the helicopter in the practice field jones will just blindside the coach. when these players are like fish in a bowl, for visitors and tourists to just watch through the window....we know there is no discipline and it needs to start at the top. is jerry disciplined? NO....so how could the organization be...

its a circus as usual
If this staff could somehow unlock the mystery that is PENALTIES, it would be a historic step in the right direction.
We've seen this team for years struggle to be a disciplined team. Penalties on offense to kill drives at the wrong time, bone head plays on defense getting personal foul calls/off sides etc at critical points in the game. With this new coaching staff, can they instill the discipline in this team that has been lacking for years? They keep bringing up culture and wanting to communicate with these players. Will they communicate and stress the need to be discipline and hold these players accountable??? Please give your thoughts
The Jones' have so much discipline, they avoid FA until after the draft. That takes skill that only a 35 year Owner/GM can master.
We've seen this team for years struggle to be a disciplined team. Penalties on offense to kill drives at the wrong time, bone head plays on defense getting personal foul calls/off sides etc at critical points in the game. With this new coaching staff, can they instill the discipline in this team that has been lacking for years? They keep bringing up culture and wanting to communicate with these players. Will they communicate and stress the need to be discipline and hold these players accountable??? Please give your thoughts!!!
discipline I tell you. If only we had a coach that would slam a clip board and get in a players face, cuss at him and threaten him, we never go offsides again. Why cant we see this and get it done. It is just not that hard.
BS is not the guy to install discipline where that has not already been the practice. If "culture" matters, don't expect it to improve. The exceptionally bad hire of BS will have negative ramifications throughout the franchise for a long while. This is the gorilla in the room that is being ignored. Why is anyone talking about all these other topics for the Cowboys when the new HC is utterly disastrous. I will never call him by his name, he's just BS.

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