Ups and Downs of Training Camp


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If it isn’t one thing, it’s another. Who coined that phrase? Most likely some old time NFL coach who was going through a tough training camp. With so many players trying to make the team every organization has their ups and downs in training camp.

Of course we are going to talk about this 2005 Cowboys Training Camp out at Oxnard, California. I know it’s only been about a week, but we got enough to fill up a page so let’s get to it. Keep in mind there are 80 something players out there so not every player will get mentioned here.

Jacob Rogers just went from an “Up” to a “Down” in one day. Seems this guy is snake bitten or something. He won’t miss any significant time and as Jerry said, “We dodged another bullet”, but now we have to worry about his health for a little while. This is not the first time “shoulder problem” and Jacob Rogers were mentioned in the same sentence. He just had off season surgery and has had surgery while playing at USC. Damaged goods? Maybe too early to tell right now.

How about that Chris Canty. He was a maybe as far as being able to participate in training camp, but not anymore. He’s on the field and producing already after lining up for the first intra squad scrimmage last Saturday and coming up with a sack. Good work rookie, keep it up and stay healthy. Definitely an “Up”.

Larry Allen was down for a few days and now he’s back up. Not only is he back up, but he’s mowing people down daily with his crushing blocks. I think we all knew Larry would pull it together and get back on the field. Now with this Rogers thing I am still hoping the Cowboys don’t move him from his Left Guard spot over to Right Tackle. Because together with Flozell Adams the two of these guys can create nice holes for Julius Jones on the weak side all season long. This is another “Up”.

Drew Bledsoe has been “Up” all camp. This is in reference to his stature in the pocket folks. Now this may be different when the season starts, but that’s for anther day.

“Down, down, down” for Marcus Spears. He has this sprained MCL and won’t be available until the end of training camp. Not good for a rookie trying to learn a new system and crack the starting lineup for Coach Parcells. The fact that it could have been worse is a bit of an upside, but not much. He still might not be a factor for the team until mid season after having to play catch up with the rest of the team. Get well Marcus.

Back up quarterback is probably the most important non-starting position in the NFL. So the fact that the Cowboys are having trouble determining if Henson or Romo is the 2nd stringer has to be a “Down”. Henson was supposed to have all the tools to be a star after his one season at Michigan, but this is a now business and right now Henson is not very good. Romo is a moxie guy, which will get you points with Coach Parcells, but this may not get you points in an NFL game. Look for the Cowboys to bring in a veteran to back up Bledsoe if neither of these guys lights it up in the preseason games.

Here are some guys who make the “Up” list for sure: Terry Glenn, Julius Jones, Terence Newman, Roy Williams, Jason Witten and Andre Gurode.

Here are some guys who make the “Down” list for sure: Torrin Tucker, Darian Barnes, Sean Ryan, and Drew Henson. (Injuries keep guys off the field, so they count.)

Here are some guys who are the “day to day up and down” list. Justin Beriault is one of those guys. He was strong at the beginning of camp, but now he’s missed a few days of camp and Coach Parcells says he will be playing as the back up to Roy Williams in 2005. Bruce Thornton is another one of those guys. He started out poorly, but now in the last few practices has been stepping it up and making plays on the ball. Billy Cundiff seems to be a member of this particular list every training camp. He looks light outs one day, lights in his eye the next, back to super kicker the third day. This is your normal NFL kicker lifestyle though so it’s expected by now.

I wonder which players will make up these lists next week.

Gotta love training camp.


...Abbey someone
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You make a lot of good points here...super job....great topic.. :D


Messenger to the football Gods
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“Down, down, down” for Marcus Spears. He has this sprained MCL and won’t be available until the end of training camp. Not good for a rookie trying to learn a new system and crack the starting lineup for Coach Parcells. The fact that it could have been worse is a bit of an upside, but not much. He still might not [/B] be a factor for the team until mid season after having to play catch up with the rest of the team. Get well Marcus.

I disagree with this completely. Kid was doing well in TC and Parcells digs him. The dude got injured. Can't help it if someone rolls on him. Catch up for him....yes. Down, down down.....not. We should be well wishers not grave diggers. The fact that his injury could have been worse is not much of an upside? Give me a break. Make that an extra large break.
Now that i'm off my box....the rest of the article was pretty damn good.


He Made the Difference
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Nice post.

Camp is a roller coaster ride on both the team and individual player levels.

You can sitting pretty at the peak and an injury brings you reeling down.

Or making steady progress, and a few bad practices halt your car.

But by the same token, some players who seem to be getting written off as stuck in their seats, could be back on the incline as soon as next Saturday night, first preseason game.

It's where the ride stops on Sept 11. that counts.

Thanks for the reminder of that.