USA Today Pre-season Poll (Dallas Ranked 18th)


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Utter trash. USA Today should have whoever was responsible for that removed.

Who the hell even reads USA Today anymore. LOL at Panthers, the Bills, Eagles, and Dolphins in the top 10. Until the Eagles, Bills, and Dolphins get their QB situations straightened out they will all be 8-8 at best teams.


Regular Joe....
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So sad. I remember the days when I had my first job in my teens and every morning I would stop at the 7-11 and buy four papers (this was a bit before the internet): The Austin American Statesman, WSJ, New York Times and USA Today. Those were my rags, especially WSJ. That was my favorite for the front page news bites that I could quickly flip to the articles of interest and USA Today DID have a respected sports section, which was why I would buy that one.

I devoured them daily and it was a private joy to do so (and the girl behind the counter was very cute and flirted with me... which I liked a lot also). I used to be an information junkie, so to speak. Now? Those days are long dead. These fish rags can't even be edited worth a crap anymore and the news is just a slanted beat-down on your sensibilities, or useless material on useless people.

The internet is even worse. I still keep up with things, because ignorance is not bliss, but now I process what I read very differently than I used to, with that wild-eyed naivety and desire to understand everything going on in this world around me. No longer.
This board helps in that I see and read people here acknowledging the same thing. Obviously there must be much more people out there that don't, or don't care and that is a very sad thing and it's degrading our culture day by day.

OK- off the box.

I understand. When I was young, I used to have a job at a hotel. One of my duties was to deliver the papers in the morning to all the guests. I would come in early and sit, have coffee and read the USA Today. Of course, that was the Paper I delivered. It used to be a pretty good Paper. Perhaps it was because we didn't have access to all the information you have today. That could be it but I don't think it is. I think what we are seeing today is a fight for survival between printed publications and online news. Papers are now catering to whatever brings circulation. The more sensational, the better for circulation because lets face it, the immediate desire for news, especially on a hot topic is king these days. Stories are no longer vetted like they used to be. It's a mad rush to get stories out and the more sensational the better. This leads to more of a creative narrative and less of a factual, well thought out, thorough investigateve, well written process. It really is a shame but that's the world today.

Papers are dying and they know it. As a result, this is what we see unfortunately.


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USA today also said we had one of the worst drafts :lmao2:. trolling hard.

on a serious note though i find it so lazy that media outlets think demarco was our whole team and losing him is the end of the world. dude had one good season and we ran him into the ground, hes prone to fumbling and runs into his own people.