USFL anyone still watching some of the games?


You Have an Axe to Grind
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KJJ your wrong on all this.
1. you obviously dont know all 8 teams play at that same stadium which is in Birmingham alabama which is a small city compared to say dallas.
As of 2020, Birmingham had a population of 200,733 , if jerrys stadium were there, half the people would have to come to the game to fill it up.
If cowboys played there , there would still probably be empty seats even in that small stadium.
why they chose this city is a mystery, guess it was super cheap, and they dont care about people in stands.'
only the Birmingham team is going to draw a crowd.

2.The NFL owners lost a lot of money when no one could come to the games in they didnt lose any money, they took
money from the tv contracts that was to go to the salary cap to make up for the lost home game revenue.
thats why many games had no one in attendance, as it was cheaper to just go with empty stadium, no employees less water and electricity used etc.

3.If they’re not showing up at the gate they’re not watching it on TV they fold.........1st they obviously didnt care about ticket sales to games, or they
would have had each team play in their own city. Fox and Nbc have invested in this, and were not expecting huge ratings,at first.
They wanted 1 mil per game, but as long as they do as good as other sports shows they air, they are ok with the ratings.

The networks get these games cheap, so they can make money off them, unlike nfl games which are the polar opposite. They have to pay big money
to get nfl games, but also charge big for ads. But they can still make money off these usfl games as they get them so cheap compared to other sports they air.'
And if the usfl gains more viewers in future years, both networks win as they still get them at good price and are invested in the league, so make money there too.

Your post is too long and I have no interest in arguing about the USFL. It will eventually fold again. This addresses my comments on the NFL. One link is banned from being posted here it claims the NFL lost over 2 billion playing in empty stadiums.


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You need the best players in the world to draw fans. These are nothing but scrub leagues.
thats not true either, these guys are very close to nfl level players, and playing same level players results in good games and play.
Nfl players are not that much better than these guys, in fact I think birmingham or NJ could beat several NFL teams right now, and they have
only been together a couple of months lol.
I have seen some great catches in these games, and a great catch is a great catch you cant say well if he was playing in nfl he couldnt do that ,
because he could. Same thing for good passing, it either is or isnt no matter where you play.
Now RB's can probably run better in this league due to various things, and they would not be as good in nfl, but the difference is very small.

The NFL doesnt have the worlds best players, they have the ones THEY THINK ARE THE BEST. Some are, some are not.
College players are judged and evaluated by the so called experts, and teams, and they decide who they think are the best.
Maybe they are and maybe they are not. Cleveland thought all their qb's were the best lol, but they were not as we have seen over the years.
One or 2 of these usfl qb's are probably better than manziel, and baker . One of them is paxton lynch the guy the cowboys wanted .

The bottom line is football is football, and you can have great games with players who are not the best but are very good.

I do not agree with how the usfl is doing everything, I would do a lot of things different, but I have enjoyed watching some of the games.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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thats not true either, these guys are very close to nfl level players, and playing same level players results in good games and play.
Nfl players are not that much better than these guys, in fact I think birmingham or NJ could beat several NFL teams right now, and they have
only been together a couple of months lol.
I have seen some great catches in these games, and a great catch is a great catch you cant say well if he was playing in nfl he couldnt do that ,
because he could. Same thing for good passing, it either is or isnt no matter where you play.
Now RB's can probably run better in this league due to various things, and they would not be as good in nfl, but the difference is very small.

The NFL doesnt have the worlds best players, they have the ones THEY THINK ARE THE BEST. Some are, some are not.
College players are judged and evaluated by the so called experts, and teams, and they decide who they think are the best.
Maybe they are and maybe they are not. Cleveland thought all their qb's were the best lol, but they were not as we have seen over the years.
One or 2 of these usfl qb's are probably better than manziel, and baker . One of them is paxton lynch the guy the cowboys wanted .

The bottom line is football is football, and you can have great games with players who are not the best but are very good.

I do not agree with how the usfl is doing everything, I would do a lot of things different, but I have enjoyed watching some of the games.

It’s all true and you’re just wasting your time with these long posts I’m only skimming over them.


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Your post is too long and I have no interest in arguing about the USFL. It will eventually fold again. This addresses my comments on the NFL. One link is banned from being posted here it claims the NFL lost over 2 billion playing in empty stadiums.
if you think my post is too long, you should probably go hang out on twitter.
I read that article, which is longer than my post lol so I guess you just read the title lol.
it said 5.5 billion but didnt say anything about the money they sucked out of the salary cap, so it is meaningless.
Why do you think the cap went down and not up ??? duh


You Have an Axe to Grind
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if you think my post is too long, you should probably go hang out on twitter.
I read that article, which is longer than my post lol so I guess you just read the title lol.
it said 5.5 billion but didnt say anything about the money they sucked out of the salary cap, so it is meaningless.
Why do you think the cap went down and not up ??? duh

When a fan starts off a post by telling me I’m wrong then proceeds to write a novel I don’t waste my time with it. As for the articles I read enough to know I’m not wrong.


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I flipped over Sunday and the fans in the stands were a joke. There was more fans at the kids soccer practice across the street from me . Lol


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At least the old USFL had some name stars . This second rebirth of old teams isn’t going to make it. Networks will drop it soon.


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Tuned in to the game that’s on just meow and just the Philly teams helmet. Hilarious


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I have tried numerous times to watch a game, I just can't do it.

But. will be watching the Championship, I promised myself I need to see this historical event.


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To be honest I keep forgetting the games are on. I did catch bits and pieces of a couple of games and was not turned off by the level of play. As for people who are claiming "you need the best in the world to attract fans.." You might want to check on some college games on Saturdays. 99% of the kids playing in those games won't sniff the NFL and they do just fine in ratings and attendance. Football is football.. One can recognize good, competitive play at any level, whether it be NFL or Pop Warner.


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Philadelphia Stars vs Birmingham Stallions tonight to determine the championship. Anyone know who's QBing for the Stallions?