Pep, I'm not quite sure that's accurate in all states. Pennsylvania has an implied consent law which basically states that you agree to a chemical test just by being licensed to drive in PA. If the police arrest you for DUI of alcohol or drugs and you refuse to take one or more chemical tests, your driving privilege will be automatically suspended for one year. This suspension is in addition to any suspension imposed for a DUI conviction.
Even if you are found not guilty of DUI, your driving privilege will be suspended for one (1) year for a first-time refusal which would be a far worse punishment then blowing above the legal limit and taking ARD which, in many cases, is a 3 month suspension for a first offense. If you refuse to take a test and you are found guilty of DUI, your license may be suspended for two and a half (2 1/2) years.
And I'm fairly certain that you could use the driver's refusal to take a chemical test in court (at least in PA). I'll bet you that the above holds true in most states....the DUI laws are tough.
Either way, Bob is sh** out of luck.....