Vick - Atlanta Journal Article re Dogfighting from an Investigator's Point

And to think.....Clinton Portis pretty much gave his thumbs up.....
Big Dakota;1557489 said:
Drugs, Guns, Dogs being maimed and killed all with children present, Ya, nothing big about dog fighting. The next person who says dog fighting is no big deal should be banned from the site for sheer stupidity.

Yeah, sounds a little bit like Somalia.
Thehoofbite;1557773 said:
He will lose a lot. Im not sure what a team can ask for but didn't Ricky have to give back all his signing bonus?

That and as soon as hes convicted, hes gonna lose a ton of that money because the governement is going to step in and take however much they think they should.

I know, but even if he sits this year out he will still collect a nice 6 go along with what he's already made aside from his signing bonus!

skinsscalper;1557772 said:
45 minutes of watching two dogs tear eachother to pieces? Are you ******* kidding me?! Longest fight on record was 5 HOURS!!!!!!! This is some of the sickest **** I have ever heard in my life.

If I ever meet anyone that even hints an interest in dog fighting, I'm going to beat his *** just on principle. This is absolutely disgusting.


5 hours?!?!?! Wow, what a bunch of sadistic retards.
03EBZ06;1557786 said:
5 hours?!?!?! Wow, what a bunch of sadistic retards.

I think that record was set during a fight between two poodles, not pitbulls?

This topic is proof positive that the only job you have to have no qualifications to have and screw up is parenthood. I hate that our species condones the right of all its members to breed. What better example of why our species is headed for a population pruning event.

Wish I could be more optomistic,
I read the endictment along with this article! Some pretty twisted sick stuff! I feel like i entered the twilight zone because that is the most inhumane thing you can do to an animal is just slam him to the ground, shoot it, water it down then electricute the poor dogs! THey use the dogs just to bank off the dog then if it is not worth fighting then they shoot it down like it is garbage! What Comes around go around and I pray Vick get's his in the pen! I hope Mr. Retardo Clit Portis gets his too on the street! Saying it's his property and ****! Well now the world knows what sick nfl players they are along with pacman jones! I hope the comissioner lays down the pipe!
Big Dakota;1557489 said:
Drugs, Guns, Dogs being maimed and killed all with children present. Ya, nothing big about dog fighting.

These facts have been brought out here not only by myself, but others as well, since this whole thing started. You have to question the intelligence(and believe me, the question has been answered) of those that have chosen to ignore these other ramifications of dog fighting.

Some oldies but goodies: They're just dogs, and only the dogs are hurt....It's their dogs, which makes them their property, and though against the law, it's their right to do as they like...Have you ever broken the speed limit? Same thing, breaking a law is breaking a law...You eat steak, how is this different?(though I don't ever remember a drug bust happening at my local steakhouse).

My fave is the poster who insisted dog fighting had no direct affect on our society...and even said if you could prove it did, he'd rally against it as well. Yet when these very facts were presented for the kazillionth time, he continues to rally behind Vick and his cohorts.

Big Dakota said:
The next person who says dog fighting is no big deal should be banned from the site for sheer stupidity.

The list is long...stupidity is a given.
Low class and cruelty know no color lines, only cultural ones. Some cultures prohibit cruelty, some encourage it and even direct it.

Interesting that their vote counts as much as yours or mine, but that's democracy.

"Stupid is as stupid does."

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