Recommended Video: A few notes from the Seattle game


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I'm going to start by saying that Seattle has a very good defense regardless of the outcome. Their defensive line is very good and their linebackers are athletic. Everyone knows about their secondary.
Run defense

Mebane is a very good DT. In the play above, Mebane gets a push on Frederick. Frederick can't control him so it closes the cutback lane for Murray. Leary can't open a lane because he gets stood up by Wagner. Martin can't get to the 2nd level fast enough to block Wright. Result is no gain. This is a perfect example why Seattle is so difficult to run on.

Pass defense

An example of their cover 3 defense. Thomas is patrolling center field. The corners carry the receivers deep with 4 zones underneath. What makes it difficult is the depth the zone defenders get. They know exactly where they need to be. Once Romo gets to the top of his drop the deep routes are covered. He's got two guys in the middle of the field with 3 defenders in position to make a play on a pass. The other defender already has Murray covered.

Pick play

Their offense didn't have very many big plays. Their biggest pass play came because they had a receiver come free from a hard pick. Remember this play, I'll come back to it later.

This was a fun game to watch. Everyone talks about how big of a win it was but that's not what I care about. I wanted to see if our offensive line could execute against their front seven and I wanted to see how Marinelli would gameplan against Wilson. Well, the offensive line was physical and wore out their defense. Marinell's gameplan was excellent because it made Wilson uncomfortable all game. All Dallas did was go into the defending champs house and beat them at their own game.

I thought the star of the game was the offensive line. They battled with one of the best fronts in the NFL and executed. They gave Romo time in the pocket and opened holes for Murray. It was a big challenge. Seattle got a lot of pressure and some QB hits but the offensive line came through.

Watching the defense all I thought was, discipline. You could tell they had a gameplan and they stuck to it. Durant and Scandrick were the two guys that jumped out. Marinelli made sure that the team maintained gap integrity. They wanted to build a wall of defenders to attack option/trick plays. Dallas made sure they had someone, usually Durant, with backside contain. This prevented plays getting outside of the tackles. Scandrick was aggressive attacking screens and made plays on the ball. Coverage was tight all game.

I didn't want to make a ton of gifs so I made a video instead

Play 1
First offensive play for Seattle. HB option. Durant keeps contain which forces Wilson to go to the run. Note the screen option. Scandrick attacks immediately.

Play 2
Same drive, Seattle in the red zone. They try to set a screen for Harvin. Scandrick attacks the screen and sheds the blocker to make a play behind the line of scrimmage. Seattle settles for a FG.

Play 3
The blocked punt. A little disappointed Harris didn't warn but it may have not mattered if they don't have a gameplan. Heath is put into a bad position because he sees the WR but has to block inside. You could tell Seattle had that punt block formation set for Dallas.

Play 4
First big run of the game. Stretch left. Randle cuts back. Martin gets the key block on the LB. Big hole. I think Wagner was hurt at this point because he's so slow attacking the play.

Play 5
Romo was going to Escobar the entire time. One safety is close to Beasley. Other safety is back. LB is in zone so he lets Escobar go. Romo looks off the safety which forces him to take a step away from Escobar. Result is TE is wide open for TD.

Play 6
I talk a lot of Durant so here's another example. Option play. Durant fills the gap. Wilson keeps. He runs then throws back. Durant is chasing the play. Scandrick slows the WR forcing him inside and Durant finishes with the tackle for a minimal gain.

Play 7
3rd and 14. Seattle plays a soft zone. The deep routes Dallas runs forces the secondary to honor them. Dunbar chips defender before slipping out. A lot of space underneath. Dunbar gets a key block from Witten.

In case you missed it... Avril thought he had a lane to the QB then Fred said, No.

Play 8
Romo wants to go the back shoulder to Bryant but Sherman has good coverage. The offensive line gives Romo time to scan the field. Witten gets open and Romo hits him for the TD.

Play 9
This was after the Harris fumble. Wilson runs another option. Mincey doesn't keep contain and goes to the run. This leaves a wide open field for Wilson. Durant can't get off his block and Heath is too far to make a play. Wilson TD.

Play 10
The Williams catch. He runs a deep in. Murray and Witten are near the line to help chip. Murray messes up the blocking and it allows the DE to get pressure on Romo. Romo does his thing to avoid the sack. Williams runs towards the sideline. Romo gets the ball down the field and Williams makes a great catch.

Play 11
The play right after the Williams catch Dallas lines up with 2 TE and 2 RBs. Leary gets a nice chop block while Martin pulls right. Dallas runs this same play 2 more times for the Murray TD.

Play 12
It's 4th down and Seattle goes for it. Remember the pick play from earlier? Well, Scandrick did and he was prepared. He got a big jam on WR and it messed up the timing of the pick just enough. Scandrick gets under and covers the WR. Dallas got pressure so it was bad throw from Wilson.

Play 13
Wilson assumes McClain would turn and run with the TE. McClain wasn't having any of that. He kept his eyes on Wilson and got the game ending interception.


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love that last gif. they are really good at passing off dlinemen to each other.
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Well-Known Member
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love that last gif. they are really good at passing off dlinemen to each other.

Same here. Loved that last Gif. Shows the effectiveness of the zone blocking scheme and how a smart center can work it to perfection.


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And to think it was just a couple years ago when our line reacted to the simplest stunt by thinking, "We are flummoxed by your strategic wizardry!" as they stood and watched all the rushers fly by them.

Yes, they play so SMART now--that may be the most impressive thing.


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I'm going to start by saying that Seattle has a very good defense regardless of the outcome. Their defensive line is very good and their linebackers are athletic. Everyone knows about their secondary.
Run defense

Mebane is a very good DT. In the play above, Mebane gets a push on Frederick. Frederick can't control him so it closes the cutback lane for Murray. Leary can't open a lane because he gets stood up by Wagner. Martin can't get to the 2nd level fast enough to block Wright. Result is no gain. This is a perfect example why Seattle is so difficult to run on.

Pass defense

An example of their cover 3 defense. Thomas is patrolling center field. The corners carry the receivers deep with 4 zones underneath. What makes it difficult is the depth the zone defenders get. They know exactly where they need to be. Once Romo gets to the top of his drop the deep routes are covered. He's got two guys in the middle of the field with 3 defenders in position to make a play on a pass. The other defender already has Murray covered.

Pick play

Their offense didn't have very many big plays. Their biggest pass play came because they had a receiver come free from a hard pick. Remember this play, I'll come back to it later.

This was a fun game to watch. Everyone talks about how big of a win it was but that's not what I care about. I wanted to see if our offensive line could execute against their front seven and I wanted to see how Marinelli would gameplan against Wilson. Well, the offensive line was physical and wore out their defense. Marinell's gameplan was excellent because it made Wilson uncomfortable all game. All Dallas did was go into the defending champs house and beat them at their own game.

I thought the star of the game was the offensive line. They battled with one of the best fronts in the NFL and executed. They gave Romo time in the pocket and opened holes for Murray. It was a big challenge. Seattle got a lot of pressure and some QB hits but the offensive line came through.

Watching the defense all I thought was, discipline. You could tell they had a gameplan and they stuck to it. Durant and Scandrick were the two guys that jumped out. Marinelli made sure that the team maintained gap integrity. They wanted to build a wall of defenders to attack option/trick plays. Dallas made sure they had someone, usually Durant, with backside contain. This prevented plays getting outside of the tackles. Scandrick was aggressive attacking screens and made plays on the ball. Coverage was tight all game.

I didn't want to make a ton of gifs so I made a video instead

Play 1
First offensive play for Seattle. HB option. Durant keeps contain which forces Wilson to go to the run. Note the screen option. Scandrick attacks immediately.

Play 2
Same drive, Seattle in the red zone. They try to set a screen for Harvin. Scandrick attacks the screen and sheds the blocker to make a play behind the line of scrimmage. Seattle settles for a FG.

Play 3
The blocked punt. A little disappointed Harris didn't warn but it may have not mattered if they don't have a gameplan. Heath is put into a bad position because he sees the WR but has to block inside. You could tell Seattle had that punt block formation set for Dallas.

Play 4
First big run of the game. Stretch left. Randle cuts back. Martin gets the key block on the LB. Big hole. I think Wagner was hurt at this point because he's so slow attacking the play.

Play 5
Romo was going to Escobar the entire time. One safety is close to Beasley. Other safety is back. LB is in zone so he lets Escobar go. Romo looks off the safety which forces him to take a step away from Escobar. Result is TE is wide open for TD.

Play 6
I talk a lot of Durant so here's another example. Option play. Durant fills the gap. Wilson keeps. He runs then throws back. Durant is chasing the play. Scandrick slows the WR forcing him inside and Durant finishes with the tackle for a minimal gain.

Play 7
3rd and 14. Seattle plays a soft zone. The deep routes Dallas runs forces the secondary to honor them. Dunbar chips defender before slipping out. A lot of space underneath. Dunbar gets a key block from Witten.

In case you missed it... Avril thought he had a lane to the QB then Fred said, No.

Play 8
Romo wants to go the back shoulder to Bryant but Sherman has good coverage. The offensive line gives Romo time to scan the field. Witten gets open and Romo hits him for the TD.

Play 9
This was after the Harris fumble. Wilson runs another option. Mincey doesn't keep contain and goes to the run. This leaves a wide open field for Wilson. Durant can't get off his block and Heath is too far to make a play. Wilson TD.

Play 10
The Williams catch. He runs a deep in. Murray and Witten are near the line to help chip. Murray messes up the blocking and it allows the DE to get pressure on Romo. Romo does his thing to avoid the sack. Williams runs towards the sideline. Romo gets the ball down the field and Williams makes a great catch.

Play 11
The play right after the Williams catch Dallas lines up with 2 TE and 2 RBs. Leary gets a nice chop block while Martin pulls right. Dallas runs this same play 2 more times for the Murray TD.

Play 12
It's 4th down and Seattle goes for it. Remember the pick play from earlier? Well, Scandrick did and he was prepared. He got a big jam on WR and it messed up the timing of the pick just enough. Scandrick gets under and covers the WR. Dallas got pressure so it was bad throw from Wilson.

Play 13
Wilson assumes McClain would turn and run with the TE. McClain wasn't having any of that. He kept his eyes on Wilson and got the game ending interception.

Hey man, excellent post. I'm sure it took some time and it's very much appreciated.