Voice recognition software


Suspicious looking stranger
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a couple months ago, as a result of my declining eyesight, I decided to start experimenting with voice recognition software that comes with Windows Vista.

After a few weeks of being frustrated by the software's inability to accurately interpret my speech I started looking around on the Internet to see if I could come up with a better alternative.

I came across a company called nuance, they sell speech recognition software called Dragon naturally speaking. So I thought to myself I have absolutely nothing to lose except for 40 bucks so I'll give it a try.

This software is absolutely incredible. I can control my entire computer and surf the Internet completely by voice. Yes that's right when you have your Web browser, open it scans the page recognizes links and opens the for you.

Dragon NaturallySpeaking is extremely fast and extremely accurate. In my lifetime I bought a lot of really cool things I wanted to tell people about, but this one tops the list of coolness.

I highly recommend going to Nuance.com and watching a couple of their videos. This software has completely revolutionized the way that I use my computer and surf the Internet. On a scale of 1 to 10, I would rate this software as a 10+

This setup was extremely easy and I didn't have to change the way that I speak. I didn't have to speed up or slow down or try to speak more clearly I just speak the way I always have an it's about 99% accurate.


Fierce Allegiance
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I've been using Dragon Naturally Speaking for about 7-8 years, it's a great product. My late wife's sister-in-law is an attorney and she turned me on to it. She uses their legal vocabulary add-on and loves it!

I use it mostly for transcription rather than dictation as I find it breaks my train of thought hearing my voice speak the words and trying to be alert for corrections. But overall, it speeds up my mundane chores by 100%.