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Wimbo;4594822 said:

They'd need to have a fleet of those things, sitting ready to go on a moment's notice, located equidistantly from his house, all around Tucson. Each delivery order he called in would need to be dealt with like a five-alarm fire equivalent. Response times would be critical.

Fresh! Fresh! Fresh! The hot better still be hot. Veggies and sauces cold. Corn tortillas better not be too sticky from sitting in foil wrapping. The first driver to arrive gets a BIG tip. All of the tacos delivered will be kept and eaten, of course, if they pass the Fresh! test. Goes without saying.

Any of this close, Hos. I'm just spitballin' here. LOL.
Wimbo;4594822 said:
This one is for Hostile:


wittenacious;4594838 said:

They'd need to have a fleet of those things, sitting ready to go on a moment's notice, located equidistantly from his house, all around Tucson. Each delivery order he called in would need to be dealt with like a five-alarm fire equivalent. Response times would be critical.

Fresh! Fresh! Fresh! The hot better still be hot. Veggies and sauces cold. Corn tortillas better not be too sticky from sitting in foil wrapping. The first driver to arrive gets a BIG tip. All of the tacos delivered will be kept and eaten, of course, if they pass the Fresh! test. Goes without saying.

Any of this close, Hos. I'm just spitballin' here. LOL.

Hostile;4594855 said:
That is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

"Who would win the fight crocodile or alligator?" The question was answered this way on Wiki Answers:

The Crocodile would most likely win due to the fact that crocodiles are generally more aggressive
and on average they are larger then alligators so they have a size advantage​

Well this Gator begs to differ ... the Croc never stood a chance:

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