"Oh, beat the drum slowly and play the fife lowly,
And play the dead march as you carry me along;
Take me to the valley, and lay the sod o'er me,
For I'm a young cowboy and I know I've done wrong."
He's talking about Joe D getting his bunch in this morning to watch film and critique each others performance. Missed and arm tackles,trying to bump into carriers to knock them off their feet, 260 lb. jacobs to get him out of bounds.Getting McBriers coach in to tell him to not punt to middle of field or explain it's OK to punt out of bounds to stop run backs if you have no one to help on tackles. Little things that help the offense. The defense may have been a little rusty since they were able to stay out of the game for the bigger part of it. Wade will address why his line was getting no penetration on running plays and were continualy being pushed back for positive yardage.
We were being smothered for zero or negative yards.
He will explain that everyone has seen and watched all tapes of our plays and can read them as well as we can.
It is now time to break out the unseen and well prepared stretch run plays that he and JG have devised to befuddle the next four opponents. Thats what he meant by we'll be fine.