Waiters annoy me...

bbgun;2117075 said:
Any opinions on "automatic" gratuities for parties of ten or more?
Not a problem if the wait person earns it.
WoodysGirl;2117117 said:
On a side note, I think I'm in the minority as to hating the non-stop refills. It's one reason why I no longer order tea. I like my tea a certain way and it seems like every time I get it just right, someone comes along with a refill and I have to fix it again.

Yeah, that damn sugar-to-tea ratio gets screwed up. Same peril with coffee refills.
bbgun;2117138 said:
Yeah, that damn sugar-to-tea ratio gets screwed up. Same peril with coffee refills.
Yep, that's actually my issue. I like lemon in my tea, too. It just became too much of a pain to try and fix everytime.
I can say from experience it really isnt that much more of an inconvenience if 6 people come in or if 3 do. You dont have to make more trips, you just have to put more things on your tray when you come. The automatic tip doesnt make sense to me, most people will realize they were there for a long time and tip well anyway.
abersonc;2117111 said:
BTW -- I have a friend who says you don't tip for alcohol (at a restaurant). I think she's wrong. Opinions?

If it's all on the same bill, I can't imagine why you'd make a distinction. Those drinks, like the steak or salad you ordered, didn't magically transport themselves to your table without human assistance.
abersonc;2117111 said:
BTW -- I have a friend who says you don't tip for alcohol (at a restaurant). I think she's wrong. Opinions?

I don't make distinctions. I give a tip based roughly on the total of the bill by the percentage I feel they earned. As a former waiter, I tend to tip on the high side, unless they've demonstrated that they're not interested in doing a decent job.

I've also heard of people tipping based on the total before tax. Really, how much are you saving yourself? 2 bucks? I look at the equation like this(again, assuming they've done a good job): the waiter is going to appreciate that extra two bucks and what it means for the job he performed, than I am going to miss that two bucks and my newfound inability to buy a half gallon of gas.
Wow...so much hate for waiters! Why don't all you crybabies just stay home and eat bologna sandwiches!! :laugh2:

Patient: Doctor, it hurts when I do this!

Doctor: Well, then don't do that.
5Stars;2117203 said:
Wow...so much hate for waiters! Why don't all you crybabies just stay home and eat bologna sandwiches!! :laugh2:

Don't get me started on grocery stores ....
bbgun;2117075 said:
Any opinions on "automatic" gratuities for parties of ten or more?

I once waited on a large party of about 15 people, a combination of kids and adults. Super high maintenance, and I was all over it. They were happy with the service and told the manager everything was great.

They left me one dollar and change tip. :(
Faerluna;2117225 said:
I once waited on a large party of about 15 people, a combination of kids and adults. Super high maintenance, and I was all over it. They were happy with the service and told the manager everything was great.

They left me one dollar and change tip. :(

Yeah, it's basically insurance against getting stiffed. BTW, don't most "high end" restaurants split the tips evenly among the servers, and even the busboys/kitchen staff? Maybe I'm mistaken.
This thread reminds me of that scene in Sopranos where Chrissy and Paulie tip the waiter $16 on a $1200 tab. The waiter finds them outside and complains and curses them out, so they kill the poor guy. :D

It's on youtube ("Sopranos waiter") but due to language I won't link it.

Anyway, classic Sopranos scene.
bbgun;2117229 said:
Yeah, it's basically insurance against getting stiffed. BTW, don't most "high end" restaurants split the tips evenly among the servers, and even the busboys/kitchen staff? Maybe I'm mistaken.

At RC would tip out to our busboy, bartender and food runner. Typical would be 10% of your tips to all of them, more to one or all depending on how much they had to work for you that night.

At Fridays we would tip the busboy and service bartender, also 10% or more if they worked particularly hard for you.

Server assistants, like servers, will work hard for you if they know you're tipping well and being fair with them.
But after paying off the support staff, would the waiters/waitresses pool their tips and split it evenly, or was it a case of "what's mine is mine"?
That varies from restaurant to restaurant. But for the most part you keep what you earn. Really good waiters make a lot more than the not so good ones due to a number of factors such as giving better service, being able to handle more tables at once, and being able to turn their tables over more quickly. And some waiters just have 'IT' that makes people feel better about their meal and tip them more.
bbgun;2117075 said:
Any opinions on "automatic" gratuities for parties of ten or more?

If gratutey is on my check, that is all that they get. I don't like being told how much to tip. If the service is bad, little to no tip. Service good...nice tip.

Had dinner with my family, my wifes parents, and her sister and 2 year old. Total of 7 adults and 1 child. The waitress charges for a party of eight, yes she included my nephew, who didn't even get a plate. I didn't really care for the charge, but I didn't complain to the management. It actually saved me money.

The tip was less then what I had left for a different waitress at the same establishment 2 months earlier. We had a party of 12 at that time. When the waitress brought me the check, she said that she did not put the "party limit" gratuity on the check. I told her that was a good thing and she would see what I meant when she got the signed copy. As we were going out the door, she actually came up to me and said thank you. I told her that it was a reflection of her service and that she earned it, so no need for thanks. With 12 people, not once did our drinks go dry and all the food was to order. She was good.
abersonc;2116460 said:
You mean to say you are cheap?

Nope, not at all. But it is completely stupid to base it on percentage in my opinion. Base it on performance and give what you feel is fair. There is no way I'm going to go to Applebees with the wife with a bill of $23-27 and tip the person $4-5 and then the next night go to somewhere where it's $30+ a plate with the total coming in at $75+ and I give the person a $15 tip for doing exactly the same thing the other person did. They did nothing to deserve 3 times the tip the other person got.

You mention the $50 being a crap tip for a $500 bill, but that's a bad way to look at it. They probably spent maybe 30 minutes of their time actually at that table. That's $100 an hour. That is not bad in any way shape or form.
We tip 20% unless we get really bad service (Faerluna is my wife, if you didn't know). If we eat at Ruth's Chris and the tab is $300.... well that's about a $60 tip. It's way more than I recommend ever spending on food but if you can afford it once a year or so I highly recommend it. Top notch establishment.

Unless you get a bad server, you're going to get a lot higher quality service at an upscale restaurant than you will at Applebees. Comparing the time spent is apples to oranges. It's all about the final bill, quality of food, hospitality, and services rendered.
ChldsPlay;2117384 said:
Nope, not at all. But it is completely stupid to base it on percentage in my opinion. Base it on performance and give what you feel is fair. There is no way I'm going to go to Applebees with the wife with a bill of $23-27 and tip the person $4-5 and then the next night go to somewhere where it's $30+ a plate with the total coming in at $75+ and I give the person a $15 tip for doing exactly the same thing the other person did. They did nothing to deserve 3 times the tip the other person got.

You mention the $50 being a crap tip for a $500 bill, but that's a bad way to look at it. They probably spent maybe 30 minutes of their time actually at that table. That's $100 an hour. That is not bad in any way shape or form.

No, a bad way to look at it, is that you are paying for the same service.

At Applebees, the food won't be ruined by sitting for a few extra minutes. At a more expensive place the food is more complex and needs to be out to you right after it gets plated - otherwise sauces congeal and your food gets ruined. Wait staff at better restaurants have more difficult jobs.

Your $100 an hour argument is silly. Your table is taking them away from every other table and while they may only be at your table and bringing food for 30 minutes, you've sucked about 2 hours of their work day as they wait for your food, etc.

All you are doing is justifying being cheap.
cowboyfan4life_mark;2117376 said:
If the service is bad, little to no tip. Service good...nice tip.

It rarely acceptable to leave no tip or a tiny one. Tip is simply part of the price of the meal. Don't go out if you don't want to tip.

The only way I can see leaving no tip is if the waitperson is REALLY rude to you -- this rarely happens to people who treat the staff with even an once of respect.

If you feel you got "bad" service you should see it as a reflection on the restaurant, not the waitstaff. We went out for Valentines day a few years ago and the service was horrible -- but I looked around and everyone was getting awful service? Why? The restaurant tried to fit in as many tables as they could and the kitchen staff just couldn't handle it. No nothin' was coming out of the kitchen. Whose fault is that? Now ask, who got 99% of the crap from the customers about it?

Why penalize the person who depends on tips if the people who get paid a higher hourly wage are the ones screwing up?
abersonc;2117658 said:
It rarely acceptable to leave no tip or a tiny one. Tip is simply part of the price of the meal. Don't go out if you don't want to tip.

The only way I can see leaving no tip is if the waitperson is REALLY rude to you -- this rarely happens to people who treat the staff with even an once of respect.

If you feel you got "bad" service you should see it as a reflection on the restaurant, not the waitstaff. We went out for Valentines day a few years ago and the service was horrible -- but I looked around and everyone was getting awful service? Why? The restaurant tried to fit in as many tables as they could and the kitchen staff just couldn't handle it. No nothin' was coming out of the kitchen. Whose fault is that? Now ask, who got 99% of the crap from the customers about it?

Why penalize the person who depends on tips if the people who get paid a higher hourly wage are the ones screwing up?
Rarely acceptable to leave no tip or a tiny one? Is it more acceptable to tip bad service? Would you pay someone a full amount to mow your lawn if they only mowed half? You are paying for service in both situations.

Don't go out if I don't want to tip? Daddy? Is that you? Naw, even my Daddy doesn't tell me what to do. :p:

My tipping is based on the waiter/waitress. Not necessarily the food. The only time that I allow the food to be part of the server is if I get the wrong food, which rarely happens, or completely done wrong. This is a sign that the server did not pay attention to me or my plate. Catch the mistake before you bring it to me.

As for your last statement...if you aren't good at it, don't do it. My sister-in-law tried waitressing for awhile and was upset at her tips. Honestly, she wasn't good at it. And if you want a "higher hourly wage", work in the kitchen area.

Don't care who agrees/disagrees with me on this. If you are good, you will like the tip that I leave. If you're "off", just the standard tip for you. And if you really suck, oh well.

It is very rare that I don't leave a tip at all. But I have done it. Don't like to, but I will not give money to someone who under preformed.

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