Wallach: The NFL filed an appeal with 5th circuit appeals before the other judge ruled

Wallace just tweeted part of the filing that shows they would like the stay ideally by September 19 (when week 3 practices begin) but no later than September 26. If this is such a big emergency, why are you telling the judge's that they can put this off another week?

What makes the NFL think they can muscle a federal judge anyway?
at some point i hope Kessler gets to cross examine Goodell and Friel

he will rip them to shreds
I'd love to see it. I'm skeptical it will ever happen. If the NFL loses on the procedural process portion of the case, I have a hunch they won't fight the revocation.
Yes, but they didn't file until after the arbitration ruling was issued. Of course, they had the unfair advantage of knowing exactly when the arbitrator (Goodell) was going to issue his ruling so they easily won the race to the courthouse. But (technically) they didn't file their motion while everyone was still awaiting the result of the arbitration hearing.

I could be wrong but I thought the context of the comment in their filing about if Elliot can do this, so can everyone else was referring to suing the league once they are suspended not about jumping the gun.

I also think the jumping the gun argument was the NFL's strongest, but its harder to make that claim since they are now jumping the gun on Mazzant's decision.
The NFL's filing is a joke, they totally ignored 3 of the pillars needed for a stay and devoted a whopping half page out of a 23 page filing on irreparable harm.

They totally mailed it in, this is the type of filing you do when you know you have no case but you got to go through the motions anyways.

No chance the 5th grants a stay off this filing.
The NFL wins here no matter what.

If they get slapped down, they can just say, "Hey, we tried everything we could." That covers their tracks with the overzealous media and DV crowd.
You my friend......get IT!

The NFL is getting a set of eyes and ears that have ZERO interest in football to pay attention to their product! The NFL is getting a return on their investment into showing the rest of America they handle DV better than anyone else....including the LAW!

I will repeat...understand what GAME is being played....then decide how you want to proceed with your fandom! The NFL has one of the biggest fish on their hook (star RB for THE DALLAS COWBOYS)....and they are not going to throw it back in the water this quickly. They took a YEAR....YEAR....to "investigate". And they will continue to milk this for all that it's worth!
at some point i hope Kessler gets to cross examine Goodell and Friel

he will rip them to shreds
That is not how these trials are run. The lawyers present their arguments, and their arguments certainly include things which any party may have said, but you don't put someone on the stand and cross examine them.
There is a large section of society that view their image as damaged by doing this. The NFL only cares about how their image looks to a certain segment of society (women's groups and their allies).

Which is really stupid on their part because women constitute a small segment of the NFL fandom.
That is not how these trials are run. The lawyers present their arguments, and their arguments certainly include things which any party may have said, but you don't put someone on the stand and cross examine them.

If this thing ends up in a trial, there most certainly will be testimony provided by numerous parties.
I could be wrong but I thought the context of the comment in their filing about if Elliot can do this, so can everyone else was referring to suing the league once they are suspended not about jumping the gun.
My understanding is that if the courts allow Elliott to file suit prior to the arbitration ruling, then you create a situation where everyone will simply sue prior to the arbitration ruling being rendered. The whole point of arbitration is to not have the courts involved.
This case is typical NFL. "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!" In this case the man behind the curtain is due process and fundamental fairness.

This really bothers me that the NFL does not care one bit about Elliot. I really don't think they care if he is guilty or not. All players in the NFL should take note at the next CBA. Sometimes I feel a heavy bias against the Cowboys and other times I think they like to make a point with Cowboy players just because we get the most news and it gives them more public credibility of toughness.....
My understanding is that if the courts allow Elliott to file suit prior to the arbitration ruling, then you create a situation where everyone will simply sue prior to the arbitration ruling being rendered. The whole point of arbitration is to not have the courts involved.

Well, I think the judge saw through this arbitration from the start. I think the other courts will too. This may end the current setup for the NFL's arbitration process which is just a formality
Wow, I just started to read the comments page on the Shefter tweet (which was posting Zeke's teams response). That's a scary cross section of society. We're all doomed.