We Aint seen nothing yet

When the kicker is the MVP on the team, Jerry has nailed it!
And let's be honest.....They had no clue how good this guy was.....they rolled the dice on some international player.....and just happened to hit on him. This wasn't some digging for gold....striking it rich. This is more like like some schmuck backing into them and denting the door of the party bus.....and he's got no insurance...and he's willing to pay cash to get out of the jam.
Us? We? Speak for yourself. Most of don't listen to a damn thing Jerry says. In the past 25 years I can recall only 1 time Jerry said anything that was honest, and that was when he drunkenly told the world why he hired Parcells back in 2003.
I am a idiot! I spent $12.00 on a cowboys mug 2 years ago.
Why do Cowboys fans keep falling for the same hype year in and year out? Same thing pretty much every single years. I, for one, am about done.

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