We are slowly becoming the Oakland Raiders


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Boyzmamacita;2487016 said:
All of a sudden the Cowboys are lovable losers when everyone accuses us fans of being front runners? That's a new one. Or were you being sarcastic?

If you don't see the difference between that horrendous ball club in Oakland and this talented Dallas team, then I don't know what to tell you.

Honestly, I think we're just as horrible a ball club with the hoopla going on this week. It's more than Raider-esque! It's embarrassing!! I see a difference in talent sure we have more but what good is talent if it doesn't work as a team? The inmates are running the asylum at Valley Ranch. There is no leadership. Bunch of spoiled children with a Care Bear running the show.


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theogt;2487013 said:
So basically, not winning the Super Bowl means you're the Raiders.


Not exactly. You're just like all the other 30 other teams that didn't win the Super Bowl. A loser but as far as being like the Raiders, there ARE a lot of similarities if you look at it from an objective standpoint. Are we as bad as the Raiders in whole? Maybe not but we're getting damn near it with the way this season is taking shape. Total dysfunction and the judge will be whether it carries over to the field. If we see a collapse on over the next 3 weeks, then the journey to failure will be complete. That will make 12+ seasons of futility. Facts are stubborn things. Let's see what happens!


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Trapped. Caged. Locked in unwinnable situations.

Two teams victimized by owners with runaway egos and dysfunctional decisions.


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stiletto;2487067 said:
Not exactly. You're just like all the other 30 other teams that didn't win the Super Bowl. A loser but as far as being like the Raiders, there ARE a lot of similarities if you look at it from an objective standpoint. Are we as bad as the Raiders in whole? Maybe not but we're getting damn near it with the way this season is taking shape. Total dysfunction and the judge will be whether it carries over to the field. If we see a collapse on over the next 3 weeks, then the journey to failure will be complete. That will make 12+ seasons of futility. Facts are stubborn things. Let's see what happens!
So, it's not about winning Super Bowls. It's about nebulous standards that only you can apply apparently, without even the slightest ability to explain your position. But somehow it's "objective" because when you state your opinion and call them facts, it makes it so.

Good stuff.


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bbgun;2487032 said:
That's a tad harsh. Jerry is loyal to a fault, whereas Al changes coaches at the drop of a hat. Now, if you're talking about senseless penalties ...

Al Davis needs to start cashing in his retirement b/c he's senile now.

Yes-Davis, once upon a time ago, was a pretty ******* good, hands on football guy, The Raiders didn't win 3 Super Bowls for nothing.

The game has passed him by now.


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stiletto;2487067 said:
Not exactly. You're just like all the other 30 other teams that didn't win the Super Bowl. A loser but as far as being like the Raiders, there ARE a lot of similarities if you look at it from an objective standpoint. Are we as bad as the Raiders in whole? Maybe not but we're getting damn near it with the way this season is taking shape. Total dysfunction and the judge will be whether it carries over to the field. If we see a collapse on over the next 3 weeks, then the journey to failure will be complete. That will make 12+ seasons of futility. Facts are stubborn things. Let's see what happens!
NOW your talking sense. Lets wait and see what happens.

Look, I don't even WATCH BSPN, the NFL network, or any of that MSM garbage.

I turn the TV on when the Cowboys are playing, and watch and see what happens.

What more is there? Just getting yourself all worked up over what someone else thinks? Where is the sense in something like that??

Personally, I'd like to see us be more like New England. No one talks to the media about anything. Period. And I think we're starting to learn how to be that way; I hope.

It does no one any good to talk to the media about anything. Just publish the injurty report when you're suppossed to, and keep your mouths shut. Jerry and Wade need to lay down the law to the troops about it. And keep the media away from the players.

Go Cowboys!!!


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theogt;2487087 said:
So, it's not about winning Super Bowls. It's about nebulous standards that only you can apply apparently, without even the slightest ability to explain your position. But somehow it's "objective" because when you state your opinion and call them facts, it makes it so.

Good stuff.

Wow...just wow. You must have some literacy problems. Did you not read anything I wrote? I guess it is like nailing "Jelly to a Tree" talking to some but yes, it is ultimately is about winning Super Bowls of course and I just explained that there are multiple reasons that we are like the Raiders and that's why we won't anytime soon. I'm sure you think we'll go 3-0 over the next three games right?? LMAO!!!


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willia451;2487105 said:
NOW your talking sense. Lets wait and see what happens.

Look, I don't even WATCH BSPN, the NFL network, or any of that MSM garbage.

I turn the TV on when the Cowboys are playing, and watch and see what happens.

What more is there? Just getting yourself all worked up over what someone else thinks? Where is the sense in something like that??

Personally, I'd like to see us be more like New England. No one talks to the media about anything. Period. And I think we're starting to learn how to be that way; I hope.

It does no one any good to talk to the media about anything. Just publish the injurty report when you're suppossed to, and keep your mouths shut. Jerry and Wade need to lay down the law to the troops about it. And keep the media away from the players.

Go Cowboys!!!

I agree. Not really worked up. Just facing the reality of the situation. Hoping for the best but expecting the worst. I hope I'm wrong about what's going to happen but maybe some good will come out of this crazyness.