We Are The Pretenders of the NFC East


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Dak is not a great QB, but WHO on this team, from top to bottom, is as advertised?? This was the "biggest" game of the season for us, against a last place team, and we choked away a 14-point lead, and couldn't get a good game out of our "franchise" QB, and the coaches stunk up the joint, and the defense continued to be soft as tissue. Gotta give a shout out to the refs for sealing the deal, too. You knew they would get their shot in after Jerry's costume.

I've bashed the Giants all season as being pretenders, and maybe they are. But so are we. And we have been pretenders much, much longer than they have been. In 47 years, I've been made sick to my stomach over this team too many times to count, but this one right here...this ranks up there.