We do not allow username changes on CowboysZone!


Staff member
Reaction score
CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I know each year when we either draft or sign new players or lose previous players that users want their usernames changed. We also get requests to do this throughout the year by a lot of users who have created bad reputations for themselves and want to escape those reputations. It is because of this that we stopped allowing username changes a while back.

What if I desperately need or want a new username?

If you currently have a username that you are either unhappy with or would like to use a new username, you are free to create a new account with the username of your choice. Before you do, simply send a private message to the staff and let us know your new username so we can disable your old account. Having two or more active accounts is not allowed on CowboysZone and not informing us of your switch could lead to both of those accounts being disabled. It is important to know before doing this that join dates, post counts, previous donations, etc. will NOT be transferred to a new account!

Very Important!

If you have any warnings/infractions in the last six months, you will not be allowed to create a new account!

Everyone needs to understand that your actions and comments follow you and you should keep that in mind when you are posting and debating with other users!

Thank you!
