Hey, I'm just having a little fun this A.M. I'm not truly suggesting a Henson-Zone get created; I'm more-so just pking fun at the fact that we even needed a TO-Zone and I'm using the recent excitement over Henson as part of my diabolicle ploy to get my message across that player-specic zones are a bit unecessary. JMHO
Fair enough, but in the TO Zone case it was absolutely necessary at the time.
It was a unique situation that basically blew up the board, making it extremely difficult to get any other type of info. The combination of differing options and the insistence of some posters in starting new threads to answer old threads just made the site un-navigatable for a few days. The temporary extra Zone was a major help in cleaning up the mess.
Heads have cooled, and we're back to the regular off-season grind, so its not really needed anymore, but it wasn't the least bit unnecessary at the time IMO.
I can understand that, in general, player specific forums are a bit over the top, but in this case it was sort of an emergency situation ( if you'll pardon the exaggeration there).
Te board was being flooded with TOness and needed to be bailed before it sank. Consider the temporary TO Zone as the bilge pump.