
I think the other day on the news they said DC was America's sixth-hottest major city (summers). So if you think the northeast doesn't know about incredibly suffocating heat....think again.
Incredibly hot here plus my air conditioner has been out for two days. The warranty company just got someone out to the house and he didn't have the right condensor motor to replace the bad one so it's going to be a few more hours.
We had a high forecasted today of 101 with a 10% chance of rain and wouldnt ya know it right now were sitting at 79 degrees and got a pretty good amount of rain.
Chocolate Lab;3990528 said:
Worst spring/summer I can ever remember in north Texas. I grew up in this heat and it bothers me less than most people, but this year it's been pretty awful. Almost every day is 105 or more, with 108-110 being common.

Record-low rainfall and literally the worst drought category possible only makes it worse.

....and I work at UPS, in a warehouse, in 18-wheelers where it will literally be 120*. I took this week off to concentrate on securing a teaching job so I can go back to UPS and say "'re cool....I'm out!" Thank God I have options...real ones.
We're at or near triple digits here in Tuscaloosa with heat advisories this week, but have had afternoon showers in some area's to cool things down.

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