Weight Lifters- Ever hear of Fat Gripz?


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I'm about to once again (Sigh- maybe one day I won't have to say once again.) get back into working out and trying to lose all this fat off my body. It's awful.

I went to bodybuilding.com and found what I feel will be a good routine, with all the kinds of workouts I enjoy, and it changes up your days off and such so that you're not as quick to get bored.

On their 'off' days (You really only take 1 full day off, the others are cardio only days) I plan on doing Insanity cardio workouts for the cardio those days. I'm going to try anyway.


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I'm about to once again (Sigh- maybe one day I won't have to say once again.) get back into working out and trying to lose all this fat off my body. It's awful.

I went to bodybuilding.com and found what I feel will be a good routine, with all the kinds of workouts I enjoy, and it changes up your days off and such so that you're not as quick to get bored.

On their 'off' days (You really only take 1 full day off, the others are cardio only days) I plan on doing Insanity cardio workouts for the cardio those days. I'm going to try anyway.

I tried doing a workout on bodybuilding.com. Didn't work out too good (no pun intended). How many days are they having you go to the gym per week?


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I go to the gym 3-4 days a week to lift. It rotates in a way to where one week it's 4 days and the next it would be 3 and then back, so on and so forth. The other days are cardio only days which I could do anywhere.


1st Round Pick
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I'm about to once again (Sigh- maybe one day I won't have to say once again.) get back into working out and trying to lose all this fat off my body. It's awful.

I went to bodybuilding.com and found what I feel will be a good routine, with all the kinds of workouts I enjoy, and it changes up your days off and such so that you're not as quick to get bored.

On their 'off' days (You really only take 1 full day off, the others are cardio only days) I plan on doing Insanity cardio workouts for the cardio those days. I'm going to try anyway.

Focus on your eating. Don't push yourself so much on the workouts that you lose motivation.

Those plans get a little rediculous. Just consistently workout. 4 or 5 days a week is plenty.

Push yourself hard when it comes to dieting. Not exercise.


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Focus on your eating. Don't push yourself so much on the workouts that you lose motivation.

Those plans get a little rediculous. Just consistently workout. 4 or 5 days a week is plenty.

Push yourself hard when it comes to dieting. Not exercise.

Yeah that's what I'm trying to focus more on now. The eating better.

The routine we're using is a realitively light load as far as workouts go so that should make it easier to stay motivated and work harder as well on that part. I think one of our biggest problems, myself especially, for the last year is that we kept going with routines that were HUGE and made it very easy to burn out very quickly and just not be motivated to do it.

We started today. I've done well on the eating so far. Of course it's only a few hours into the first. :)