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Star4Ever;1698118 said:
Funny that a Skins fan is on here posting about how many Cowboy fans post on ES. Funny why? Becaue at least half of the threads on ES are Cowboy related. You guys are loaded with Cowboy Envy and everyone knows it. ES is the absolute worst forum on the internet. I use to post there but got banned because I didn't kiss your idiot mods' butts. Most that post on ES are more brainless than lint. You guys take pathetic to a new low and that's being mild. Question for our mods and long time posters. Do you guys know anything about the ES mods? Well, other than the fact they're the biggest homers in history? Just curious about that waste dump and its so-called leaders.

If that's true would you care to share with me your name on ES and we'll see exactly WHY you were banned?
Birdlives;1700725 said:
If that's true would you care to share with me your name on ES and we'll see exactly WHY you were banned?

Are you seriously suggesting that the mods over there have NOT banned folks for the most arbitrary of reasons??

If so, try peddling that crapola to somebody who didn't watch, highly amused, a few draft days back, when Herr Ubersturmfuehrer Art ORDERED a poster to post EXACTLY what Herr Ubersturmfuehrer Art told him to, or get banned...

It is to the poster's credit that he took the banning, rather than let that pitiful excuse for a mod get over on him...

Beyond that, I have seen brother Cowboys fans who were even refused the right to REGISTER over there, simply because their choice of online names gave away their allegiances...

From my few experiences over there, ES is a forum where you'd best toe the party line, or you're not gonna last long... it is also a place where truly knowledgeable posters who are capable of analyzing the game without letting their homerism get the best of them are few and far between... I won't say they're nonexistent, I see some of them in most every thread I do wander into, but the vast majority know about as much about football as my freakin' dog does...

And I'm a guy who kinda enjoys a little homerism from time to time... indeed, I find this board WAY too cynical at times... I guess Cowboys fans and Skins fans are just wired differently, but I wouldn't even WANT to post on a board like ES, if I was cursed with being a Skins fan, there HAS to be better, more football knowledgeable boards than that farce... as a matter of fact, I was once a moderator at a board that was rather like ES in that it tended toward Pollyanna Land, and I no longer even post over there (my choice, I wasn't banned or anything)...

Art was always a freakin' joke, but things have gone to h*ll in a handbasket since Danny Boy bought that board out... now, he throws the staff some bones in the form of sideline access during the games and such, and those boys do nothing but fellate him in gratitude...
1. 30 million? Exaggerate much? More hand a handful.

2. ES mods encourage skewed fact and lies by idiots like tr1 and anytime a Cowboys fan refuted, they are rediculed and threatened with ban. If anything mods at ES incite pack of wolves mentality and assist attacking other team's fan, expecially Cowboys fans.

3. How the hell does "5-0" comment warrant a ban? That is exactly what happened, A cowboys fan posted "5-0" comment, he got banned for it, pretty friggin ridiculous and pathetic.
Birdlives;1700719 said:
Um, Thanks I guess.

1. Same thing happens on ES when the cowboys lose, which unfortunately they haven't done nearly enough this year. cowboys fans thin out real quick every time their team loses so really, what's so different? As a matter of fact, I would say that even when the Skins win things seem to get rather quiet from our resident cowboys contingent, probably not disimilar from here when the boys win.

2. Both boards are good, neither is awful, yet that seems to be the theme for most who have, well, in the interest of keeping things clean, we'll just call it envy.

3. The "you get banned over there for disagreeing", or" the mods over there have hair triggers", or the "I was banned for not kissing the mods butts" things has gotten real old on both sides of the game, no? Fact of the matter is the mods do a good job on both sites and if you were banned as a Skins fan here, or a boys fan there, I imagine there was a pretty good reason for it. Playing that card has gotten rather old at this point. Get over it.

I spend most of my time on ES in the Tailgate section, they have some really good political discussion going on over there.

The ATN section is a funny to me. They have a sticky thread called F the Cowboys. I mean really are we on your mind that much that you have to have a thread called that? TR1 and Bubba just like to fuel the fire over there spinning things anyway they can to get a rise out of people, they do a good job of it. To many posters over there like to imitate them though and think they are being cool. TR1 came up with the validation and the please stay on topic this is about X not the Commanders schtick. To many others are trying to be like him, its truly pathetic.

I tend to stay away from the Stadium. That is their area to homer out in. I just read in that section to get a feeling about the skins. It would be impossible to have a good discussion there because if you say anything bad about the skins and they know you like another team you have way to many trolls to deal with.

The only real complaints I have about ES is I think they allow to much cursing and name calling. The other thing that bothers me is they are quick to ban you if you are a fan of another team and post in the game day thread and laugh at the skins mistakes. Its a couple day ban, basically to keep you out of the game thread.

Most of the Mods are pretty good though. Hell, Art seems to be a pretty cool guy when he is posting in the Tailgate section. In football though he is just nuts.
Birdlives;1700719 said:
Um, Thanks I guess.

1. Same thing happens on ES when the cowboys lose, which unfortunately they haven't done nearly enough this year. cowboys fans thin out real quick every time their team loses so really, what's so different? As a matter of fact, I would say that even when the Skins win things seem to get rather quiet from our resident cowboys contingent, probably not disimilar from here when the boys win.

2. Both boards are good, neither is awful, yet that seems to be the theme for most who have, well, in the interest of keeping things clean, we'll just call it envy.

3. The "you get banned over there for disagreeing", or" the mods over there have hair triggers", or the "I was banned for not kissing the mods butts" things has gotten real old on both sides of the game, no? Fact of the matter is the mods do a good job on both sites and if you were banned as a Skins fan here, or a boys fan there, I imagine there was a pretty good reason for it. Playing that card has gotten rather old at this point. Get over it.
Redonkulous. I have definitely witnessed people get banned for arbitrary or stupid reasons. The worst one being, "If any Cowboys fans come here after a win to gloat, they get banned" If you can dish it, you can take it. Now, I understand its their board and they can do whatever they want but don't act like the rules are fair or even morality based. Read the rules of your board and you can see it for yourself.

When Skins trolls come here to gloat about a win, we just laugh at them, and bust them down with well informed posts, not threaten to ban them. ****.
I've been a consistent victim here for years, win or lose......:laugh2:

I will 2nd the political talk on ES though......very fun.....
dogunwo;1701280 said:
Redonkulous. I have definitely witnessed people get banned for arbitrary or stupid reasons. The worst one being, "If any Cowboys fans come here after a win to gloat, they get banned" If you can dish it, you can take it. Now, I understand its their board and they can do whatever they want but don't act like the rules are fair or even morality based. Read the rules of your board and you can see it for yourself.

When Skins trolls come here to gloat about a win, we just laugh at them, and bust them down with well informed posts, not threaten to ban them. ****.

People are actually that desperate. Why should any fan of their team have to go to the RIVALS BOARD to gloat and talk ****. Pretty immature if you ask me.
Birdlives;1700719 said:
Um, Thanks I guess.

1. Same thing happens on ES when the cowboys lose, which unfortunately they haven't done nearly enough this year. cowboys fans thin out real quick every time their team loses so really, what's so different? As a matter of fact, I would say that even when the Skins win things seem to get rather quiet from our resident cowboys contingent, probably not disimilar from here when the boys win.

2. Both boards are good, neither is awful, yet that seems to be the theme for most who have, well, in the interest of keeping things clean, we'll just call it envy.

3. The "you get banned over there for disagreeing", or" the mods over there have hair triggers", or the "I was banned for not kissing the mods butts" things has gotten real old on both sides of the game, no? Fact of the matter is the mods do a good job on both sites and if you were banned as a Skins fan here, or a boys fan there, I imagine there was a pretty good reason for it. Playing that card has gotten rather old at this point. Get over it.

The mods on ES are simply TRASH, just like several of the posters over there. All most ES posters do is bait Dallas fans into an argument and then the mods step in and ban the Dallas fans for voicing their opinions. Spin it any way you want to. That's all that happens over there. You know it, I know it, and so does everyone else that has an ounce of gray matter ( I know that eliminates 99% of Skins' fans right off the bat). The truth is the truth.
Birdlives;1700725 said:
If that's true would you care to share with me your name on ES and we'll see exactly WHY you were banned?

My name is the same as it is on here. Star4Ever. Since I was banned and asked the mods why, I received a smarts** IM from one of the mods simply stating I was banned "forever" and it would be lifted "never". After I received that beauty of a reply, I sent a couple of my own IMs to the mods. They were profanity laced and not pretty. I figured since the mods were gonna act like a**holes, I would reply in kind. Screw ES and anyone associated with it. It's a trash heap.
"If so, try peddling that crapola to somebody who didn't watch, highly amused, a few draft days back, when Herr Ubersturmfuehrer Art ORDERED a poster to post EXACTLY what Herr Ubersturmfuehrer Art told him to, or get banned...

It is to the poster's credit that he took the banning, rather than let that pitiful excuse for a mod get over on him... "

I read this same thread the other day. The mod told the Dallas poster that he had to post an apology in the exact manner the mod spelled out, or he'd be banned. As you indicated, the Dallas poster told him to stick it and go ahead and ban him. I actually still read ES every now and then just to get a good laugh. The absolute biggest idiots I've ever had the pleasure of reading. Guess when your team is subpar, you can't expect much more from its fans.:laugh2:
By the way, there are more threads and discussion on ES about our loss to the Pats than their own loss to the Packers. I'm telling you, those guys are absolutely obcessed with us. Cowboy Envy.
Yeah I got banned from that site for calling out TR1 on his own post...out of all the sites I visit for fun that has to be the worst and if I was a skins fan I would be embarrassed of that site and how they conduct themselves
I take solice in the fact that we hung with the Pats for 3 quarters.....but our mistakes and their explosive offense took over for good in the 4th.

I take solice in the fact that we are still undefeated in the NFC.

I take solice in the fact that the skins lost today.

I take solice in the fact that the Pats still get to play the skins, eagles, and giants.

I take solice in the fact that jackson is nowhere near the QB that Brady is, and the minnesota offense (aka the Adrian Peterson Show).....is nowhere near as potent as that of the Pats.

I take solice in the fact that we are getting completely healthy finally and by the time we come back from the bye week, our secondary should be in full force (barring any incidents in the Minn game).
We should all take solace in the fact that we're DALLAS COWBOY FANS and not Foreskin fans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:laugh1:
Here's something else to laugh about in regards to ES. Some of their posters think they can beat N.E. on the road because of their great defense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Skins have an O.K. defense considering their D line is garbage, but some of the posters there seem to think they're the 85
Bears. Really enjoyable to read some of that crap. I've never seen more delusional fans in my life.
Star4Ever;1712848 said:
Here's something else to laugh about in regards to ES. Some of their posters think they can beat N.E. on the road because of their great defense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Skins have an O.K. defense considering their D line is garbage, but some of the posters there seem to think they're the 85
Bears. Really enjoyable to read some of that crap. I've never seen more delusional fans in my life.

I know we have some serious Skins hate going on in here, but their defense is a whole hell of a lot better than ours at the moment and the strength of their defense is against the pass. To say that they don't stand a better chance of controlling the Patriots than us at this point is not paying attention to what they are doing.

The issue is, I don't think they could score enough points for it to matter.
Star4Ever;1712487 said:
We should all take solace in the fact that we're DALLAS COWBOY FANS and not Foreskin fans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:laugh1:

Amen brother.

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