Twitter: We're 5 Weeks Away From Opening Up


You Have an Axe to Grind
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hope it happens

If it does there will be no fans in attendance. The Raiders have already made it official they’re opening up their new stadium in Vegas with no fans in attendance. It’s going to be very disappointing for both cities to be opening up new stadiums with no fans in attendance. I would have attended the opener in LA.


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Can’t compare the two I believe. College is truly an activity. Fans and players. Pro they play for the money.
sure you can compare the two. They both play the game of football, scores of players, coaches and other personnel, same amount of protection or lack thereof

These conferences are not just deciding not to play only to protect fans, if thats all it was about then theyd just bar the fans


Cowboys Diehard
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It's not hard to picture the looks on the faces of NFL owners when they see the extent of their losses. Lotsa sad sacks will be singing the blues! :(


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They should play without fans and see if that works. Everyone is going to watch on TV, so they lose ticket sales for a season big deal.


Outta bounds
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Universities not only have to worry about the money from football - which is admittedly very substantial - but they have to worry about the even more substantial enrollment, boosters, alum, etc. Some receive state government funding as well. Politics is king on campuses across the country.

Make a poor decision about playing in a COVID environment and your enrollment could plummet as angry parents make their disapproval felt in the school’s wallet. Boosters/Alumni could withhold their money from the school, even switching allegiances to another University if the decision is bad enough. All this while enrollment has already been down and some schools are barely afloat as it is.

That’s without even getting into the politics of it all for schools. They have to be concerned with the message and how playing a game in these times might look to their colleagues and acquaintances.

There is much to lose for Universities.

On the other hand, NFL football has no students to worry about. It is just the fans and right now, they aren’t going to the games anyway. When they do get the all-clear, fans will flock back to NFL games. Parents can’t pull their kids from the teams and if 10,000 people decide they’re not going to a game because they’re mad that the NFL played during COVID... there will be 10,000 other people who will take their place.

Pro Football doesn’t have many of the concerns that college’s have. The fans will be there whenever they open games up and the TV revenue will always be there. They just need to implement guidelines to keep the players and coaches safe and play their games.

The only thing that might give the NFL pause is if sponsors start pulling ads from the teams, but I can’t really see that happening. Advertisers have no real reason to pull out of the highest rated TV shows in the country. The teams are doing everything in their power to make it as safe as possible, the players want to play and anyone had a chance to opt out if they wanted to.

The NFL has done just about everything right so far and the public is starved for football. There is a huge group of Americans that feel like life must go on and they all will support the NFL’s decision to play.

Barring a huge outbreak, I think the NFL will proceed. They don’t have many of college football’s concerns and if the NCAA doesn’t play, the NFL will be bigger and more prominent than ever before.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
sure you can compare the two. They both play the game of football, scores of players, coaches and other personnel, same amount of protection or lack thereof

These conferences are not just deciding not to play only to protect fans, if thats all it was about then theyd just bar the fans
Not the same my cowboy brother. You cannot compare something that’s professional to something that’s just academic.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
There’s big money in college football too. Schools will lose billions.
I totally understand that. But come on ones academic and ones professional. Even though some people do like the college game better. I just don’t think you can compare the two. Pros are going to play they going to get bonus. What is the college incentive


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
sure you can compare the two. They both play the game of football, scores of players, coaches and other personnel, same amount of protection or lack thereof

These conferences are not just deciding not to play only to protect fans, if thats all it was about then theyd just bar the fans
Not the same


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
sure you can compare the two. They both play the game of football, scores of players, coaches and other personnel, same amount of protection or lack thereof

These conferences are not just deciding not to play only to protect fans, if thats all it was about then theyd just bar the fans
Notre Dame football who’s going to paint their helmets. LOL again one I s academic and one is professional it’s totally different no matter how you slice it


Well-Known Member
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I totally understand that. But come on ones academic and ones professional. Even though some people do like the college game better. I just don’t think you can compare the two. Pros are going to play they going to get bonus. What is the college incentive
The risk to all involved are the same. And why the likelihood either will survive a full season isn’t favorable .