What are you expecting from Brad Johnson?


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I think he is going to play lights out. His quicker release should help to compensate a bit for his lack of mobility as should changing plays to stretch the field less, which it seems like this has been hinted at. ON top of that, our Oline, in the past 2 years, has typically bounced back from such a poor outing as last Sunday with a very strong performance and I expect that will be done again. With the weapons at WR, including Miles Austin (looking for a big game out of him with Brad), I think we score 35 pts. I know we have seen little positive from brad in the preseason but considering who is was playing with I think he steps in and methodically directs this Offense next week. Other thoughts?


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I expect really solid play and at least a 2-1 record. That's what I'm expecting out of him.


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520 yards
5 TD's
140 rushing yards (he somehow became mobil)
0 Int and 0 fumbles.

Anything less than this, I will not be happy. I have raised my expectations and anything lower than this will cause me to want him to be cut immediately.


This is a house of learned doctors
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Shorter Passes, less fumbles, more reliance on the running game, more throw aways, less scoring, more pass patterns that emphasize RAC.


Drink Me
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honestly? Not much.
a lot of check downs.
this offense will be poor until Romo gets back IMO,
sure we have witten To and now RW but i doubt brad can get the ball to them. Hopefully Barber can power us through the Rams and then we will see where we are.
I have a feeling people will appreciate Romo a lot more in a month


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dinks and dunks,
play action dinks and dunks
hand off to barber and choice
more dinks and dunks.
i'll be surprised if any pass covers more than 15 yards on the air.


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I expect dink & dunk...I hope, it'll score the team points...I expect he's going to be on his back a lot...I hope he isn't going to get knocked out of the depth chart completely...I expect nothing longer than 15 yard passes but I hope we'll at least see the chains move consistently.

The offense was already looking relatively vanilla and anemic under Garrett with Romo, how much better will it look under a less versatile Brad Johnson?


Regular Joe....
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More sacks, fewer turn overs. Honestly, Special Teams is killing me. I almost can't stand to watch our coverage units. We give away field position consitinly. Johnson is a solid QB if the game plan is built around his capabilities. If Garrett goes crazy throwing the football, then it's probably going to be a bad situation for us Johnson. However, if we stay balanced, ask Brad to make the plays he is suited to, then I think we can win every one of the ball games we have, till Romo returns.

The question is, will Brad play?


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ABQCOWBOY;2343100 said:
More sacks, fewer turn overs. Honestly, Special Teams is killing me. I almost can't stand to watch our coverage units. We give away field position consitinly. Johnson is a solid QB if the game plan is built around his capabilities. If Garrett goes crazy throwing the football, then it's probably going to be a bad situation for us Johnson. However, if we stay balanced, ask Brad to make the plays he is suited to, then I think we can win every one of the ball games we have, till Romo returns.

The question is, will Brad play?

ST is killing me too...At least with Felix, you thought there was a chance to at least negate the field position that would invariably be given away on the other side of the field...Miles, hopefully, will remind all of us of how special he can be for ST too....As for punt returns, I hope this doesn't mean more Crayton :banghead:

I agree that I think Garrett will simply things for Brad but I fear that simply makes Dallas all the more predictable on offense...But as you point out, is Brad even going to play with this 'talk' of Romo perhaps coming back earlier?


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sacowboysfan513;2342911 said:
Quicker release than Romo?

Quicker in terms of shorter time from snap until throw - not really a quicker release.


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I expect to see better game managment. Relying on running the ball more, balance. Longer drives. Yes some dink and dunk but the guy has an NFL arm, don't give me this crap that the guy can't throw a 30 yarder and that T.O, Witten and RW aren't going to see many balls. That's asinine and if you have to water it down that much you might as well bring in Bollinger. We may actually see some play action implimented in this offense for once, what do you think about that? A trick play for sure ala Crayton reverse and throwing after we've used T.O on a reverse earlier in the game. Brad will take a couple shots down field, don't be fooled, but this is going to be much more balance and fundamental football. Brad is going to protect the ball when he's in their end and ours. He ain't going to hold onto it too long either, and yes Romo does have a better release than Brad but is also more keen on the big play. Brads looking for 5-7 yards out of the first 2 downs using run and pass to get into more third and shorts. You might see us run 2 plays straight for once. I see us getting sacked 3 or 4 times and therefore in 3rd and longs when that happens, play action if used right will help this. This is what you will see and what I expect from Brad. One last thing, leadership and accountability. We win 24 - 10.


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The way this year is going - 2 TD passes and running one in from the five. Then get suspended for a DUI after the game.