What are your favorite baseball teams?

GTaylor said:
And up until the mid-90s (Similar with Texas) Seattle wasn't known for them either

Again, try to stay with me here, you're drowning. He said he wanted to go to a "winner." Then he leaves his team who made the ALCS and would go on to win 116 and another ALCS the year after he left, for the Rangers, who were last place both years. I never said anything about the Ms being a consistent winner. If he left the Ms for the Yankees then I would have no beef. But he didn't, and I do. He left a team that at the time was MUCH closer to being a winner, and had been a winner more recently.
peplaw06 said:
Again, try to stay with me here, you're drowning. He said he wanted to go to a "winner." Then he leaves his team who made the ALCS and would go on to win 116 and another ALCS the year after he left, for the Rangers, who were last place both years. I never said anything about the Ms being a consistent winner. If he left the Ms for the Yankees then I would have no beef. But he didn't, and I do. He left a team that at the time was MUCH closer to being a winner, and had been a winner more recently.

Ahhh, so what is it - are we talking about the Rangers "Not being known as division winners" which speaks about decades of baseball, or are we referring to the past year before he left?

So would you prefer A-Rod have quit while demanding to be traded, or perhaps he pull a Griffey and force you to trade him to one team? I can tell you A-Rod put us through the latter and it sucked, I'd rather he leave and sign elsewhere, and it's not like he left for chump change, anyone who claimed they would turn down $252 million are nuts, no matter where the team.

As far as why the Rangers finished last...well, that involves John Hart and I'd rather enjoy this peaceful tranquility that that Mavs are offering instead of raising my blood pressure describing that moron and his mononic moves
GTaylor said:
Ahhh, so what is it - are we talking about the Rangers "Not being known as division winners" which speaks about decades of baseball, or are we referring to the past year before he left?

So would you prefer A-Rod have quit while demanding to be traded, or perhaps he pull a Griffey and force you to trade him to one team? I can tell you A-Rod put us through the latter and it sucked, I'd rather he leave and sign elsewhere, and it's not like he left for chump change, anyone who claimed they would turn down $252 million are nuts, no matter where the team.

As far as why the Rangers finished last...well, that involves John Hart and I'd rather enjoy this peaceful tranquility that that Mavs are offering instead of raising my blood pressure describing that moron and his mononic moves

Do you have a point?? Either way you want to look at ARod leaving the Ms, he didn't go to a "winner." It doesn't matter if you're referring to decades of baseball (where the Rangers have all of 3 division titles and NO PLAYOFF SERIES WINS!!) or the year before or after ARod left.

I don't know what you mean by "quit while demanding to be traded." Guys who want to be traded don't quit. And since you asked, yes I would much rather him ask to be traded. Why is it hard to believe that a team would rather get players in return for a future superstar instead of having him leave the team for free?? Having him leave and sign elsewhere gets you nothing. As I already mentioned, the pieces we got from the Griffey and Unit trades were big pieces in the 116 win season. It makes little difference whether Griffey told Seattle where to trade him, we got something in return. And not to mention at least he was upfront with the front office.

There's a difference between ARod leaving Texas and Seattle. You got Soriano in return. What did we get for losing ARod? Nothing. You're crazy if you would rather have a guy like ARod just leave. And I never said I would turn down $252 million. That's not the point. The point is, if you're going to go to the highest bidder, don't pretend you care about "going to a winner." He handled the whole thing like the chump he is, and now you know what Seattle fans are talking about.
I'm a big Orioles fan because I lived there for quite a while. Its definitely been a tough few years (more like 8 or 9!)
bewareofdware said:
RED SOX-Best team in Baseball
Kansas City-Gotta root for the underdog

did it hurt when you landed on the boston bandwagon?
1 Tigers: I'm from Michigan...I support all the Detroit teams.
2 Cardinals: I went to school in St. Louis, so while I'm not a real Cards fan, I do like them.
3 Braves: I grew up in Georgia and watched the Braves back when they were terrible. Then I moved and they went to the World Series. So I've never been as big a fan as I was back then but I never root against them.
4 Whoever's playing against the Yankees.

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