What happened to phone manners? What happened to all manners?


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We were taught from elementary school in the 60s when calling someone you always announce who YOU are FIRST, your reason for calling, THEN ask for the person being called. (This gives the called person a chance to hang up or say wrong number if they don't want to be bothered.)
Nowadays, the **** wits call and straight away they ask for YOU without saying who they are or what they want, hoping to trick you into admitting who you are and only then they drop the next foot which is always some sales pitch or data mining call. I'm sick of it. I got smart and turned off voice mail and if I get a call not on my list of contacts, it will go unanswered forever.
Another pet peeve is when health agencies call EMERGENCY contacts listed on your doctor's paperwork for administrative reasons.
I want you to get up right now and go to the window if you agree with me, and yell, "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!" :mad:
Go on, get up now, and if you agree, write in this thread, "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!!"
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Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I have a few different ways of dealing with unknown numbers.
First, of I'm expecting a call from someone whose number I don't have, I'll answer, but if they don't immediately say who they are, I hang up.
Second, I have the "screen call" feature, which gives the caller the option of leaving a message, which my phone prints out in real time, so if it's someone I need to talk to I'll answer.
Third, if it's important, they'll leave a message.


Confused about stuff
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Back around '84, my brother answered the phone, and the person on the other end just asked, "Is Dotty there?"

My brother got pissy with him and snapped, "When you call someone's house, you say who you are, then ask to speak with the person!"

The guy replied, "Oh sorry, this is Uncle Richie, is Dotty home?"

Uncle Richie was my mother's mentally challenged brother. My brother felt like a whale turd. Lol


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My parents were sticklers for manners. They watched us kids like hawks and intervened all the time to tell us about manners of all kinds, particularly table manners. It seemed ridiculous to me at the time but now I realize manners are just one of the things that makes us a civil society, something I appreciate more now that I am older. I think kids need rules to follow or it becomes Lord of the Flies. Do kids still ready that book or are they too sensitive for the story?


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Back around '84, my brother answered the phone, and the person on the other end just asked, "Is Dotty there?"

My brother got pissy with him and snapped, "When you call someone's house, you say who you are, then ask to speak with the person!"

The guy replied, "Oh sorry, this is Uncle Richie, is Dotty home?"

Uncle Richie was my mother's mentally challenged brother. My brother felt like a whale turd. Lol
I hope Uncle Ritchie is doing better today.


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I live in area in southern Ontario (Windsor/Essex) that was voted 4th rudest in the province by a recent poll…and yes this area is full of rude self entitled people…


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I never answer the phone unless it's a number I recognize. Sadly that is the state of things these days. If it's important they'll leave a message. I'm not mad because I just don't bother anymore.
This is exactly what I do as well. I answer if I know who it is. If it's important they'll leave a message if I don't answer. No reason to do it any other way.