Granted, I've seen the NFC-East stronger, but remember, we beat good AFC teams in 2004, and came within 3 Points of winning in the SB with the best in the AFC!
It's never a cake walk!
Please, they got lazyin that game, it wasnt much of competitioon that whole game, Mcnabb was throwing the ball more to NE then he was his own team, and second not only is the NFC EAst stronger( outside of the deadskins), but so is the rest of the NFC, you still have to play them in the playoffs to,
And a loss is a loss, i dont care if you lost by 1 point that doesnt mean anything, you still lost, and dont forget, you lost badly to pitt earlier that year, so how close do you think you would have been if you had faced them.
Just because a team makes it to the SB, doenst always mean theywere the best that confernce had to offer, Pitt QB got cocky, and starting doing dumb things, thats why they lost, wahts your excuse, your QB got sick?