What is the creepiest thing you have ever experienced?


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I have experienced many paranormal sightings I couldn't explain. I was in high school spending the night at my friends large house. It was late and he would usually fall asleep pretty early, so while he had just entered the realm of sleep, I was the only one awake upstairs in the whole house. I figured I would go get a late night snack before I would hit the sack as well. I am a very observant ad cautious person, so I turned on all the light as I went downstairs to the kitchen. Got my stuff and walked back up stairs turning off the lights behind me. Right before I was going to enter his room, I shut off the last light before I turned the corner to the doors entrance. There is an open doorway adjacent to his that is a game room, and right behind the pool table I caught the glimpse of a young girl completely motionless. I was immediately filled with adrenaline but knew I would rather run in the room and turn on the light. So I put on a comedy to help erase the fear, think it was wayne's world, and eventually fell asleep. The next day his dog came in the house and started barking at the walls in his room
like if something was gradually moving across it.

I've also experienced multi-layered nightmares, where I actually go to sleep, wake up in my dream, go to sleep in my dream, wake up in a nightmare two layers below consciousness. In one nightmare, I saw the reality of my dad passing away and its effect on my mother and I. Took me awhile to shake that dream off.

Anyways, I know this will turn out to be a good thread. CZ, lets here about your stories.

EDIT: ERGGG! wrong forum! MODS please move!
I don't believe in ghost but, 1 night I was in my kitchen eating when I saw some in the livingroom. I then went to get my gun, when I came into the living room NO ONE WAS THERE!!!! I then searched the whole house up and down and found nothing.

Still can't explain it to today but it was definitely a creepy feeling
Can I just copy and paste some responses from the reddit thread?
TheDallasDon;3866995 said:
I don't believe in ghost but, 1 night I was in my kitchen eating when I saw some in the livingroom. I then went to get my gun, when I came into the living room NO ONE WAS THERE!!!! I then searched the whole house up and down and found nothing.

Still can't explain it to today but it was definitely a creepy feeling

Cocain is a hell of a drug...!

My Uncle committed suicide in a pretty gruesome manner. My family had promised the guy that the trailer would be taken care of if he rented to my Uncle (serious alcoholic). Since I grew up in an area where a man's word still meant something, me and my stepfather manned up and cleaned up the rest of my Uncle that was not taken along when they hauled his body away. Still sticks with me.
Since I was a kid I've had this experience of what I later found out from someone mentioning it on here is called Sleep Paralysis.

When I was a kid it was pleasant. In the state of sleep I would awake and see lights shooting toward me and thought it cool. As I got older it got pretty odd and downright terrifying with being paralyze and seeing some dark figure in the room, or hearing the steps creaking as someone coming up. After a while I'd be able struggle awake and there'd be no one there. Really unpleasant stuff.

Another, more grounded: I lived in a house with four roommates. 3 of us guys and one of the guys' girlfriend. The guy with the girlfriend dies in a car wreck and she loses an arm - this has nothing to with the creepy factor here, just that he was gone, she was staying with relatives and the other guy moved out. I was alone in the house every night. A quiet street with no neighboring house close by and always dark.

One night the damned motion light keeps flicking on. No problem, there're plenty of deer in the area, but never a sighting on this night. I look down at the driveway multiple times and see nothing at all. It just starts bothering me. The frigging cat the girl left home starts wailing downstairs at I guess something it sees outside. The sound made my hair stand on end and scared the crap out of me. I've heard cats fighting, screwing, all that; this sound was awful. I don't know what it's problem was, but needless to say I didn't go check.

I'm sitting in the room with the door closed and I hear something outside. The guy who died left a very big Dodge truck out on the front lawn with a 4 Sale sign on it. I hear it rocking on it's springs, right outside my window. I'm thinking *** is this? I almost didn't want to look out the window and was cursing for having the light on. Open the blinds and anyone out there will see you before you see them. I start to then hear some animal grunting sound along with the squeal of the springs on the truck. We have black bears in some parts of Jersey, but I'm pretty sure they're not in that town. And they're not that big. I can't imagine they can easily rock something that large let alone start humping it continually. I didn't even bother too look. I was so spooked I just waited for daylight.

One more, and much less due to imagination...
When I was much younger, my brother, sister and I are home alone one night watching, of all things, the Exorcist on cable. Kid's watching this crap... :( Anyway, I don't even remember the part of the movie, but my sister starts screaming. I turn to look at her and I see the outer front door swinging shut. My brother hops up and goes to hold the inner door, but 'whoever' was leaving any way. Someone had picked the lock on the front door and was watching us through the inner door when she saw him and screamed. We called our neighbor, the poor old woman and she patrolled our house with her dog and stayed with us until our mom came home. Oddly we didn't even call the police and neither did my mother when she came home.
Secretly snapped photos of me covering the walls at WG's house.
The creepiest thing that I saw?

There is no way I could explain it to you. Other's might know what I'm saying, maybe?

I don't want to scare anyone...but I am creepy! That's what scares me!:eek:
bbgun;3867116 said:
Secretly snapped photos of me covering the walls at WG's house.

:eek: :eek:

That would scare the crap out of me too!!
I get occasional sleep paralysis as well, and it has definitely led to some creepy experiences that lacking a better explanation I'd chalk up to paranormal activity.

It usually happens when I'm staying at someone elses place. Two summers ago I house-sat at this old house for two weeks and the sleep paralysis was an almost nightly occurance there.

Basically, I'd wake up in the middle of the night feeling like I couldn't sit up. Sometimes theres also strong body shaking accompanying this, it feels kinda like light shocks. I will usually wake up pretty freaked out although sometimes I react very calmly to it. Then its a battle against my own mind to sit up.

It's kind of hard to explain, it's like you're fighting a battle over your own will. You can feel your body and you are consciously awake, but your body will not obey your commands and usually I'm still dreaming. Thats when the weird stuff will happen.

For instance I woke up in sleep paralysis one night at that house and all the room was brightly lit and the walls were painted orange. A man was standing at the foot of my bed speaking gibberish at me. He had a wide smile on his face.

Meanwhile I am on my back, fighting desperately to sit up. It can take me several attempts in which I half sit up or manage to get my head off the pillow and then fall back down again.

When I finally wake and win back control of myself, whatever weird dreamstate stuff thats going on ends.

Good thread btw!
WarC;3867143 said:
I get occasional sleep paralysis as well, and it has definitely led to some creepy experiences that lacking a better explanation I'd chalk up to paranormal activity.

It usually happens when I'm staying at someone elses place. Two summers ago I house-sat at this old house for two weeks and the sleep paralysis was an almost nightly occurance there.

Basically, I'd wake up in the middle of the night feeling like I couldn't sit up. Sometimes theres also strong body shaking accompanying this, it feels kinda like light shocks. I will usually wake up pretty freaked out although sometimes I react very calmly to it. Then its a battle against my own mind to sit up.

It's kind of hard to explain, it's like you're fighting a battle over your own will. You can feel your body and you are consciously awake, but your body will not obey your commands and usually I'm still dreaming. Thats when the weird stuff will happen.

For instance I woke up in sleep paralysis one night at that house and all the room was brightly lit and the walls were painted orange. A man was standing at the foot of my bed speaking gibberish at me. He had a wide smile on his face.

Meanwhile I am on my back, fighting desperately to sit up. It can take me several attempts in which I half sit up or manage to get my head off the pillow and then fall back down again.

When I finally wake and win back control of myself, whatever weird dreamstate stuff thats going on ends.

Good thread btw!

A fellow loon! :D
I've had so many odd experiences I thought it best to just leave it in the general sense. Ironically, I was truly paralyzed at 13 and know the actual feeling and it's odd to experience this kind which isn't the same. Your body has feeling, you just can't get it to act. Lifting your arm is like trying to lift a bus.

Glad I'm not alone in this odd-ball thing.
Creepiest thing that I have ever experienced was when I was 16. My mom always worked late and I was home every night alone until around 2 AM. As 16 year old boys will do, I took full advantage of this with my girlfriend.

We were upstairs in my room just hanging out and listening to music when we heard a noise like the back door slamming. I thought, crap! Moms home early. We're busted. I went to the top of the stairs to check and there was no more sounds. Usually she would drop her keys on the counter by the phone. But I didn't hear anything.

I went back tot he room and Lisa, my girlfriend was freaking out cause she thought she would get caught there. I told her no one was there but she said she wanted to go home. It was around 10pm and she lived just a few blocks away so I told her I would walk her home.

As we went down stairs I thought I heard something in the back room that was really a sun room. That's the door we would go out. It didn't sound like anything major so I just kept walking. As we got to the sun room, I flipped on the light and there was some guy who was there holding some kind of stick. (It was actually an axe handle). It scared me and Lisa but I think the one most scared was this guy. He freaked and came at me with the axe handle.

All I knew to do at the time was tackle him and put him down. He was on his back, I was top of him and he was whacking me in the back with the axe handle. (Hurt like heck too).

Then, out of no where Lisa came over and just whacked the guy in the head with one of those huge World Book encyclopedias. Busted him wide open and knocked him flat out cold.

Lisa is screaming and she kept saying "Stay on him! Stay on him!" She called the cops and when the cops got there he was still out and I was sitting on the guy.

The creepy part was after that night, every single sound in that house made me think someone was breaking in. I never got a good nights sleep in that house after that. I was always creep-ed out.

And maybe that is why I feel the need for the small arsenal I have now. :confused:
I've experienced sleep paralysis as well too. But it has only happened 2 maybe 3 times in my life and I never knew what it was until I happened across it on wikipedia one day.

It's something you really can't explain and have to experience to understand. You are literally awake and consciously aware of everything but no matter how hard you try you can't move.
Cajuncowboy;3867166 said:
Creepiest thing that I have ever experienced was when I was 16. My mom always worked late and I was home every night alone until around 2 AM. As 16 year old boys will do, I took full advantage of this with my girlfriend.

We were upstairs in my room just hanging out and listening to music when we heard a noise like the back door slamming. I thought, crap! Moms home early. We're busted. I went to the top of the stairs to check and there was no more sounds. Usually she would drop her keys on the counter by the phone. But I didn't hear anything.

I went back tot he room and Lisa, my girlfriend was freaking out cause she thought she would get caught there. I told her no one was there but she said she wanted to go home. It was around 10pm and she lived just a few blocks away so I told her I would walk her home.

As we went down stairs I thought I heard something in the back room that was really a sun room. That's the door we would go out. It didn't sound like anything major so I just kept walking. As we got to the sun room, I flipped on the light and there was some guy who was there holding some kind of stick. (It was actually an axe handle). It scared me and Lisa but I think the one most scared was this guy. He freaked and came at me with the axe handle.

All I knew to do at the time was tackle him and put him down. He was on his back, I was top of him and he was whacking me in the back with the axe handle. (Hurt like heck too).

Then, out of no where Lisa came over and just whacked the guy in the head with one of those huge World Book encyclopedias. Busted him wide open and knocked him flat out cold.

Lisa is screaming and she kept saying "Stay on him! Stay on him!" She called the cops and when the cops got there he was still out and I was sitting on the guy.

The creepy part was after that night, every single sound in that house made me think someone was breaking in. I never got a good nights sleep in that house after that. I was always creep-ed out.

And maybe that is why I feel the need for the small arsenal I have now. :confused:

Real people stories are creepy. My wife gets freaky over my sleep paralysis thing (which is admittedly creepy) and all that occult stuff, but I'm concerned about crap like this. The spirit world doesn't bother me near as much as the thought of a real person busting into my house.
tupperware;3867178 said:
I've experienced sleep paralysis as well too. But it has only happened 2 maybe 3 times in my life and I never knew what it was until I happened across it on wikipedia one day.

It's something you really can't explain and have to experience to understand. You are literally awake and consciously aware of everything but no matter how hard you try you can't move.

Dang, I think we got us a support group forming here. SPA. :D
It was the night of my daughter's 11th birthday. We threw her a surprise party. I showed up with her and a slew of her friends were at the house and yelled surprise. Her eyes were huge.

At one point I needed to take 2 big bags of trash out to the dumpster. As I got close to the dumpster a man dressed all in black wearing a hoodie came right at me. His eyes were wild. I cannot describe it any other way.

I felt threatened so I threw the trash in the dumpster and I turned and faced him. He stood there with his fists balled up at his sides. I said, "Is there a problem?"

Next thing I know this guy drew his fist back. I figured I had just been asked to dance, so I hit him in the mouth, and I mean I hit him hard. He staggered back about 2 steps, but didn't go down. I won't lie, that scared me. I know how hard I hit him.

He looks at me again with those wild eyes. Now I'm the one with balled up fists, but my right hand was killing me. His mouth was bleeding. He put his hand up and wiped his mouth and stared at the blood. He just kept staring at the blood on his hand from his mouth.

Then he looked at me and walked away down the alley. He never said a single word to me the entire time. I have never seen him again. To this day, 7 years later I will not take the trash out to the alley after dark without my Maglite flashlight in my hands.

I figure he had to be high as a kite on something. I went back in the house and immediately put ice on my hand. Everyone thought I was kidding about the story until they saw my swollen hand.

BrianPaint still teases me about this story now and then.
Hostile;3867202 said:
It was the night of my daughter's 11th birthday. We threw her a surprise party. I showed up with her and a slew of her friends were at the house and yelled surprise. Her eyes were huge.

At one point I needed to take 2 big bags of trash out to the dumpster. As I got close to the dumpster a man dressed all in black wearing a hoodie came right at me. His eyes were wild. I cannot describe it any other way.

I felt threatened so I threw the trash in the dumpster and I turned and faced him. He stood there with his fists balled up at his sides. I said, "Is there a problem?"

Next thing I know this guy drew his fist back. I figured I had just been asked to dance, so I hit him in the mouth, and I mean I hit him hard. He staggered back about 2 steps, but didn't go down. I won't lie, that scared me. I know how hard I hit him.

He looks at me again with those wild eyes. Now I'm the one with balled up fists, but my right hand was killing me. His mouth was bleeding. He put his hand up and wiped his mouth and stared at the blood. He just kept staring at the blood on his hand from his mouth.

Then he looked at me and walked away down the alley. He never said a single word to me the entire time. I have never seen him again. To this day, 7 years later I will not take the trash out to the alley after dark without my Maglite flashlight in my hands.

I figure he had to be high as a kite on something. I went back in the house and immediately put ice on my hand. Everyone thought I was kidding about the story until they saw my swollen hand.

BrianPaint still teases me about this story now and then.

I think I speak for many of us when I ask what it felt like to punch Brainpaint? :p:
vta;3867188 said:
Real people stories are creepy. My wife gets freaky over my sleep paralysis thing (which is admittedly creepy) and all that occult stuff, but I'm concerned about crap like this. The spirit world doesn't bother me near as much as the thought of a real person busting into my house.

Yeah, the spirit world, meh. I got that covered. And with the house basically being fort knox, I don't worry about the other any more. You have to be Houdini to get in here and some kind of stupid to try it uninvited.

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