Got on the Beas and the Wife is wearing her Elliott. It just works sometimes. Found her on the side of the road 10 years ago so drunk she didn't even know her name After an Ohio State game. Her friends left her after a stop at a gas station and didn't notice she was not in the Blessings happen in strange ways sometimes. She has been the love of my life. Can only get her to enjoy a drink with me on special occasions now, so we will share a Crown and Coke today.
I have on, my old 48 moose jersey. Haven't worn it in since 1996. Its been on my wall with all kinds of old cowboy players autographs on it. Today is the day the world will see how powerful this team is.
Depending if I need to I will switch to Romo salute to service jersey. Or I could switch in between offense and defense through out the game. Really cant say, its all about game flow. Only certainty is I will be exhausted by games end.
My new Zeke! First jersey since I bought Romo's in his first full season. Said hello to Smith, Woody, Aikman, Tony D, Witten, Roy Williams, and Novecek...let's go Cowboys!!!!!