News: What La'el Collins' next step is to improve


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What La'el Collins' next step is to improve


Kevin Sherrington
: I'm interested in the fact that they thought enough of La'el Collins last year to play him over Ronald Leary late in the season. But there were still moments where, even though Collins was dominant at times, would still get lost out there as well. Is there any reason to think that he is going to take the next step here and become a Pro Bowl caliber guard for the Cowboys?

David Moore: Well the next step is consistency. You're exactly right. The ceiling is much higher on La'el Collins than it is with Ron Leary. I'm waiting for Barry to insert some lame height joke here.

Barry Horn: No, not at all. I'm just sitting here amazed that you two guys are getting along so well this week....the blow up will come.

David Moore: [Laughs]. That's the thing. He was dominant at times last year in a way Leary wasn't. But he also has much poorer games than Leary did. Leary was a much more consistent all-around player than he was. If this team would have been competing for a playoff spot, I don't know that you would have seen La'el Collins play as much as he did last year. Ron Leary is very valuable and is a very good player in that offensive line. Once the season got a way they know the future is Collins. That's where they were going. They plugged him in to get the time. Again, he's dominant physically. Is this going to be the same sort of situation though that you had with Zack Martin? Where, if you remember, Zack Martin came in and they said, 'Okay let's use him at guard right now, but we're going to swing him out to right tackle and we'll replace Doug Free.' I think they've had a lot of the same thoughts with La'el Collins. 'Okay, let's plug him in at tackle right now then we'll move him out.' Zack Martin was so dominant at guard after a year you go, 'Why in the world would we move him? Let's just find another right tackle down the road.' That's still the question that hangs over the head of La'el Collins. Do they project him moving outside to right tackle in the future? Or do they think, 'You know what? Let's just keep him at guard and now we have as good of an interior of the offensive line as any team in the NFL for a long time.'


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Consistency comes with more playing time. He'll get better and better each game and each year. I think he makes the Pro Bowl this year.


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Man Martin has spoiled the media on players. Collins was a rookie playing with what 5 different QBs only one knowing what the protection scheme should be. Do I think he could have played better, yes. Do I cut him some slack due to the circumstances of last year, you bet. He played about as well as anyone not named zack martin in his rookie year after transitioning from another position on the OL.