What must we do?


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BP has to concentrate on Romo and get him settled down. Then he has to hit Zimmer upside the head with a 2 X 4. Zimmer has to get more aggressive. We need to attack more- and no I do not mean blitzes, there are other ways to be aggressive. We have to look very hard at what the Saints did and prepare for every team from here on it to do the same. We need to cover the short stuff much better. None of this soft coverage- we need to be challenging every WR, TE, RB that comes out looking to be a reciever and have someone on him, chucking him if at all possible, but ON him.
We need to get Ware moving around and the DE's to be pushing ; set Canty and Spears and start Ratlif and Hatcher and Coleman if necessary.
When the running game is working, run. Or throw short. Bring up the D then go long. Use our RB's like NO did; JJ and MB can hurt you there as well.