What NFL player annoys you the most?

aquavita said:
Jerry Rice?? I'm a huge Cowboys fan, but Rice is a class act, and one of the best receivers in the history of the game. How could anyone hate him??

"Class act" my a#$. I think many people think because Rice supposedly worked harder at his profession than most of his peers, that somehow makes him "classy."

Asking Largent if he could wear his retired #80 Jersey was pretty self-centered and showed zero class, IMO. (I wonder if Mr. Rice has been hanging out at any bath houses lately?) He and his agent have whined more in the last 5 years than any other player/agent tandem with the exception of maybe T.O. and Rosenhaus. Where do you think T.O. learned it from?
Kevin said:
Jeremey Shockey. What a freaking *****.

I don't often agree with Commander fans, but Shockey is the one player whose antics I can't stand.
McNabb tops this list for me, but I've grown to really dislike Brett Favre considering he has as many rings as Trent Dilfer but gets the most ESPN coverage.
McNabb, and the media's love fest and excuses for him.
Favre would be 2nd, though not as bad as it once was.
Randy Cross, is, was and always will be a POS IMO. That's another one I can't stand.
jrockster77 said:
I agree....that spoiled *** brat. I hope he spends a lot of time in the dirt this season. :)
Everyone forgot to add LaVar Arrington, one of the most overrated and annoying players in the NFL.

When will he ever live up to the hype?

The only thing most Cowboys fans will remember is his arrogance about putting Troy Aikman, on the shelf permanently.
MossBurner said:
Eli Manning
Peyton Manning
Brett Favre
Willis McGahee
Jeremy Shockey
Steve Smith
Randy Moss
Michael Pittman
Matt Hasselbeck
Why Steve Smith?

He came out of nowhere and became one of the league's best WRs.
the kid 05 said:

No, Randy Cross. He was a G/C for the 9ers in the Seventies and Eighties. He's a broadcaster now. Never has anything good to say about the Boys and was always a class a jerkoff in his playing days where we were concerned.
ringmaster said:
Why Steve Smith?

He came out of nowhere and became one of the league's best WRs.

He thought very highly of himself before his breakout season. He talks too much. Watch the NFL Game of the Week on NFL Channel of the Carolina/Chicago playoff game from January. You won't like him either.
WV Cowboy said:
McNabb - over-rated weak pretender.

Cuplepper when he rolls his fists after a TD pass, pauses, rolls them again, .. that is so gay looking

Clinton Portis and his gay costumes.

J. Shockey.

I guess you like women.
BlueWave said:
Donovan McNabb

He acts injured when he plays bad, then is healthy enought to riverdance and moonwalk when he does well. His injuries are always types of injureis that are not easily verified.

He is one of the most overrated players in NFL history. He throws five yard passes to Westbrook or Smith, who in-turn runs for 15 yards, and McNabb gets praised for a great 20 yard pass. His only really good season, was when TO was there in 2004. He has a weak gut and pukes anytime the pressure is on him.

He acts like he is completely innocent of any wrong doing all of the time. Poor McNabb. The media is scared to death to criticize him in any way, shape, or form. He gets a free pass no matter how he plays and a truck load of excuses just waiting for his use.


MossBurner said:
He thought very highly of himself before his breakout season. He talks too much. Watch the NFL Game of the Week on NFL Channel of the Carolina/Chicago playoff game from January. You won't like him either.
As you know every player has some type of brashness to him, and yes I did watch that Chicago playoff game, where he tore them up that day and I also heard him talking too.

You're right though being conceited as can make anyone an idiot.
dal0789 said:
Eli Manning and Ben Roethlisberger
I'm glad Ben Roethlisberger, is okay but the mediots, make it sound like he was the best rookie QB, ever but somebody should've paid attention to the fact that he had on of the best defenses, on his side in Pittsburgh, in 2004.

Also to keep in mind is that Ben, had the worst QB rating of any QB, ever in the SB with a 22.7 yeah I know they got the win but yet they still says he's the best.

If that was Bledsoe, for example in the SB, with a QB rating like that in the SB, they would still be talking how bad he stunk it up.

The only true rookie QB, that showed something was Peyton Manning, a guy on most of our unfavorite person's list.

There is no such thing as the best rookie QB, in history and Big Ben, certainly didn't do anything in 2004 to impress anyone.:starspin
qb- sheli
rb- stephen davis, just b/c he sucks and some ppl think-used to think hes amazing
wr- our very own terrel owens
te- shockey, waaay too cocky and said he doesnt like to block well thats part of the tight end position
ol- jun runyan, dudes the cheapest player out
dl- ?
db- fred smoot

most hated player overall - fred smoot, ever since he was a Commander. hes cocky, arrogant, thinks hes deion, has his own site that says 75% of the water is covered by water the other fred smoot, when all in all, HE SUCKS
I liked your list and decided to use it(comment further on it ) LOL

tomson75 said:
Joe Theisman - its almost comical how unitelligible this *** is. living near DC makes me want to hunt him down. If you ever do, let me know and I will be happy to provide an alibi for you.

Merton Hanks - i think i actually prayed that his head would fall off...now i'm agnostic. I hated when he intercepted us in NFC title game and did that... where was Teague? :mad:

Jeremy Shockey - he's just a loudmouth ***. one of VERY few players whom i'd like to see their career end. His classic premature celebration last year was great. He could be more than he is and he is NOT! Its all on him.

Joe Gibbs - whiny little b****. Send Video tape to the league about question calls and plays. What a beach!

Sean Taylor - he's right there with Shockey. next time he spits in someones face i hope they knock him on his arse. There is no excuse for that. Ever!

Chris Collinsworth - can't stand his commentary. just seems like a prick.
My impersonation of Cris Collinsworthless.... "You know Troy, I aint ever come close to winning anything but I can tell you for a fact that I can tell you whats wrong with every play that wasnt successful" :rolleyes:

Eli Manning - spoiled brat. no class. no balls. A poster child for unintelligent. Visually and audibly.

Donovan McNabb - no balls. he fakes injuries, and i hate his damn chunky soup commercials. I think he has balls he is just not that good. He does fake injuries. ESPECIALLY after getting intercepted last year when game was all but won against that team? :) He is becoming a better actor than a QB for sure... my PC, mr vanilla answers... he will probably end up a politician in Philly.

IMO he had ALOT to do with situation in Philly. Both in starting it(taking plays away from TO) and then fanning the flames(its my team and I will spread ball around) and ultimately sending in the demolition team(Reid and company) to do a calculated building demolition.

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