What other forums do you frequent?


I go there and hit the message board link to talk with other folks about my P90x and Insanity workouts. I've been a real slacker for months but this week my nephew and I decided to get dedicated to working out and we're doing a hybrid of P90x and Insanity. We're a few days in and having a blast doing it so we're pretty happy with the decision. There's a ton of quality people and advice that can be found on the message boards there for folks looking to get into shape.


I haven't been there in a while,as far as the forums go anyway (Mostly cause they're pretty slow most of the time) but I do check the site out regularly to look at their workouts and such and just get some ideas for when I go to the gym (Instead of doing my home workouts) so I'm not bored at the gym just tinkering around.


I go there cause it's the only Commanders fan site that I've found where the members are just all absolutely quality folks who welcome you and like to talk football. It's a great group of folks over there.
BraveHeartFan;3275458 said:

I haven't been there in a while,as far as the forums go anyway (Mostly cause they're pretty slow most of the time) but I do check the site out regularly to look at their workouts and such and just get some ideas for when I go to the gym (Instead of doing my home workouts) so I'm not bored at the gym just tinkering around.
There's an awesome site! ;)
Some of the forums that I come on are this forum and other Dallas Cowboys forums and the IMDB (Internet Movie Database) forums and Disney forums and many other forums.

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