What pisses me off about this current roster


Makin' It Rain
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NextGenBoys;2336772 said:
Look at the head coach.

We took on Parcells personality when he was here, now this team is taking on Phillips personality.

I'm not ready to write us off this year, but Phillips really needs to look at his ways of doing things. Because in this situation, the "everything is ok" does not work. It's called adversity, and hopefully we can handle it.

I think it could be said this team struggled to take on Parcells' personality. We certainly resembled a tougher team then than now, but even back then these players were criers and soft in big games. Remember all the commotion they made for being glad that big, meanie Parcells was gone?

I don't think Wade is qualified to take this team anywhere but to a first-round exit in the playoffs, but I'm not sure this team's problems are all his fault. At some point, the players have to be held accountable, because we're seeing many of the same mistakes we saw under Parcells.


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Boysboy;2337175 said:
You're joking me, right?

I'm talking about Parcells personality his last year here.

He was tired, games were not fun, and we often played tight and not to lose, afraid to make mistakes. You could tell that was wearing on the team.

Now, we're soft, overconfident by letting the media get to our head, and make too many mistakes at the wrong time.


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NextGenBoys;2336772 said:
Look at the head coach.

We took on Parcells personality when he was here, now this team is taking on Phillips personality.

I'm not ready to write us off this year, but Phillips really needs to look at his ways of doing things. Because in this situation, the "everything is ok" does not work. It's called adversity, and hopefully we can handle it.

The only thing is that he can't suddenly try to be all strict and stuff he will lose the players like that....if he hasn't already. It's easy to lighten up as a coach when you already have the respect of the players but to try to be strict after what Wade's been preaching he would be a joke.


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Biggems;2336198 said:
In the 90s...they sat together as a team. Aikman, Irvin, Emmitt, Haley, etc....were always up and in the faces of their teammates. They were always looking to fire them up. They were alway there if a bad play happened to pick em up and to give em support. "We'll get em next time." There was complete fire and passion on that sideline.

This current team is just dead on the sidelines. Romo sits alone. He is never there trying to pump up his OL or his receivers. The defense just hangs around. No one is yelling or getting rowdy. We are absolutely dainty on the sidelines. The only person who ever seems animated is TO, and he gets a total bad rap for it. This team needs some fire and passion. This team needs a serious kick in the balls. What this team needs is to be locked up in a room with 1 toilet, 1 roll of TP and without windows, food, water, and A/C for an entire weekend. Maybe that would light a fire in their bellies.

I honestly see only a few guys out there acting as a team. Our OL isnt acting like a team. They miss assignments and leave one another hangin. Our STs doesnt work together. You never see one guy sacrifice himself to take out 2-3 blockers so his teammates can get a clear shot at the KR. Our secondary doesn't communicate and leaves each other hangin and getting burnt.

So far the only players I have no beef with this season are TO, Witten, Barber, Felix, Ware, Thomas, and Folk.

First post I have ever seen from this great fan, but just an awesome post. All facts in my books. A lot of fundamental things being discussed and that is where we are so undisciplined. Unreal leadership, so good,is what I am hearing from Brad Johnson. Sounds like a champ! Just crazy unreal!


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DaBoys4Life;2337292 said:
The only thing is that he can't suddenly try to be all strict and stuff he will lose the players like that....if he hasn't already. It's easy to lighten up as a coach when you already have the respect of the players but to try to be strict after what Wade's been preaching he would be a joke.

So sadly true. Status quo for at least 1 more year.