Go Pirates
Go Tarheels
I like the Pirates. Great logo, nice stadium. Saw them beat UCF in a great game 2 years ago. UNC, on the other hand.... ugh
BTW, can i assume you are counting Wilson as an NC State QB and not a Wisconsin one?
Anyway, I'm glad to see Glennon get on the field. Hope your Philip Rivers loses though.
Wilson is an NC State alum and did a year of post-grad at Wisconsin so yes he counts.
Even if we counted him as both NCSU and Wisconsin, I still don't think Wisconsin would be able to claim they had 2 QB's starting in the NFL. Of course, you and I probably went to as many classes at Wisconsin as he did, but his degree is from NC State.
Yes, I'm rooting against Rivers this weekend (obviously). I really have no emotional connection to him since he was gone before I arrived, but I saw several exciting Wilson and Glennon games at Carter-Finley. When Tampa drafted Glennon, I knew he would start by the end of the year. Then when the whole not-voted-a-captain thing happened with Freeman, I think we all saw the writing on the wall.