When I lived in Northern California, I used to razz 9er fans

Reverend Conehead

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I lived in Norther California in the 80s, right when the 49ers got great, and the Cowboys declined. It was nauseating. I had no satellite dish, so I had to miss a lot of Cowboy games. I would turn on a 49er game and just root for whichever team they were playing. I would make sure my window was open so that others living in my complex could hear me. If the other team made a good play, even if it was just getting a first down, I would cheer excessively. I would be like: "WHOO-HOO, ALLRIGHT, YEY!!!!! GO, RAMS (or whichever team)". I would be as exaggerated and obnoxious as possible. Then if the 49ers scored, I would hear everyone cheering, and, as soon as they stopped, I would yell out the window, "AH, MAN, WHAT A BUMMER!" Then I would hear everyone laughing.


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My dad worked with a huge deadskins fan. One day he decided to mess with him and put a Cowboys bumper sticker on the bumper of his car. It took him days to notice and he was so pissed afterward. lol


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I actually laughed. And I can totally imagine. Remember that sitcom where the guy talks to a stuffed animal (bunny) in the cellar? Something like that. Thanks for sharing. :)