Where There Is Smoke?...


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This was written by a fellow moderator at another Cowboys board. Thought yall might enjoy it


Where There Is Smoke?...
Original article by the Kipster

Alright Terrell Owens succeeded. He made it into the headlines once again. Their is some issues that need to be cleared up because alot of people tend to call a spade a spade and in some professions it is alot easier to do that then to actually investigate it and find out what it really is. Espescially when the media is involved. Basically thier is one thing that is importnant when it comes to working in the media. You want to be the FIRST .,.. to report the story. How many reporters do you know of that are remembered for being the second person to report the story.
First lets start with some facts. I am a paramedic. One fact is that of all the initial reason I was dispatched for a 911 call only about 50 percent of them were actually correct when it comes to the actual reason as to why we ended up being called to the scene. I have had calls that were initially called for a cut to the hand and it turns out to be something along the lines of the fact that the patient actually was stabbed in the chest and had some blood on thier hands. The person seeing this blood then turns and calls 911 and says that someone cut thier hand.
On the other hand I have been called for ... and I kid you not... a man down and not responding. Well we drive to the scene with lights and sirens blaring [utting not only our own lives in danger but the other drivers on the road lives at risk. Show up and it turns out that the door was locked and the visiting nurse who showed up couldnt get in because the door was locked. So she called for an ambulance thinking the patient had a heart attack. After spending about a half hour trying to find a way in and also trying to verify that someone was in the house. We broke a window and only to find out the patient had gone to spend a week with thier family in Florida. this is the perfect example that where thier is smoke ndoesnt neccesarily mean there is fire.
One thing I will admit to is that I am a Dallas Cowboys fan. I would love nothing more than to see that this was ntohing more than a case of failure to communicate. The actual police reprt they keep showing looks nothing more to me than an actual printout of the call for the police to go the scene. All calls where there is a possible suicide, the police are dispatched. In order to be dispatched to the scene of a 911 call the dispatcher needs to have some sort of reason to send the ambulance , the police or even the fire department. Now that doesnt happen in alll cases as long as they have sort of reasonable doubt as to thier being an emergency they will send someone. The fact that thier is nowhere near enough paramedics to respond to every call give syou the reason as to why they try to screen calls as for the need of advanced life support versus basic life support.
When you do overdose on something or take something that is considered poisonous to your system what they actually do is they give the activated charcoal and then they give the patinet a nasal gastric tube. This tube goes up your nose and into your stomach. They do this for a couple of reasons. One if the patient doesnt readily take the charcoal and drink it than they give the patient the charcoal through the nose tube. If TO had partaken of this wonderful elixir then you would have seen black stuff around his lips. This stuff stays on your skin for a couple of days and then your bowel movements turn black as well. Needless to say even if you rub and try getting it off it will be on your lips and your teeth as well as your tongue. If you dont drink the charcoal then they would give it through this tube which is very irritating and also they tape it to your nose as well because of the way it goes in your nose. after they give the charcoal they usually will put you on a suction "PUMP" thus pumping your stomach and pulling any and all remnants out of your stomach so as to stop your body from absorbing it. Because of this and the affects form having this in. I just dont see TO sitting at a press conference with a smile on his face. With the way he usually smiles which is what he did at the conference you would have seen the black on his teeth and his tongue. Also usually if you try and commit suicide the physician will keep you for at least 24 hours for obeservation. So as far as the stomach pumping goes... I am on the side of seriously doubting that it happened.
Another thing is that when there is a patient who is had some sort of change in their mental staus thier is a lot of times where you dont actually get the full story until the patient actually starts to become cognisant of whats going on. Considering that most paramedics dont spend anymore than one hour with thier patient. That gives them very little time to gather information about the call and to make an appropriate decision on the problem the patient is having. Though the paramedic is able to increase thier actual ability to diagnose a patient to a number much hugher than fifty percent. Even the physicians at the hospital are unable to gauge it to 100 percent. Thats why doctors have malpractice insurance.
So in the world of the NFL where you have three sides: the owners, the coach and the player. Adding three more sides into it with the media, police and the paramedics does nothing more than to cloud the situation with more doubt. ONe thing I can say is after seeing Terrell Owens give his press conference I can say that it seems to me that this guy is a very proud man and also very cocky with his life. In my opinion I dont see him trying to commit suicide he is just way to proud for something like that. Doesnt mean it coudlnt happen but if he was truly depressed I think at some point I would have seen that cocky smile that he carries routinely disappear from his face. I am glad he is alright and if he does have any issues I hope he gets the help he needs. Thats just my opinion though. What may you ask gives me the right to give you my opinion? Well three things give me the right. I am a paramedic. I am a football fan and last but certainly not least I am an American. That in and of itself gives me that right and I felt that it would be a disservice on my part not to give freely in that aspect. Not to would only show just how much I didnt care.
I think it was a cut and paste read the first line. Reading Comprehension>the kid 05, EastDallasCowboy.
jrumann59 said:
I think it was a cut and paste read the first line. Reading Comprehension>the kid 05, EastDallasCowboy.

What about their posts makes you think they didn't realize that? Someone is in need of some reading comp help.
theogt said:

What about their posts makes you think they didn't realize that? Someone is in need of some reading comp help.

Their posts in general, I would have said paragraphs>original author


English>the original author.

jrumann59 said:
Their posts in general, I would have said paragraphs>original author


English>the original author.

What exactly are you intending ">" to mean? In my world it's typically used to signify "greater than."
If he had taken the 35 it would have been classified as a suicide attempt and all sorts of protocalls would have been activated. Not to mention the Boys would have done something as well. I knew someone that got his stomach pumped due to an overdose (accidental) and he was pretty messed up for a couple of days. No way would he have gotten out in less then one day no matter what. AND he would have been in no condition to practice. So all that is just not possible. That leaves taking several pills or interaction with the supplements. As regards anything TO said at the time= when you are out of it you will say anything.
heavyg said:
This was written by a fellow moderator at another Cowboys board. Thought yall might enjoy it


Where There Is Smoke?...
Original article by the Kipster

Alright Terrell Owens succeeded. He made it into the headlines once again. ....

and he didn't do anything wrong at all. yet people will hold this against him.

people are just making crap up now and it's long since grown old.
heavyg said:
This was written by a fellow moderator at another Cowboys board. Thought yall might enjoy it

There's a board for illiterate Cowboys fans??

Let's count the errors in spelling and syntax in this little masterpiece...

Where There Is Smoke?...
Original article by the Kipster

Alright Terrell Owens succeeded. He made it into the headlines once again. Their is some issues that need to be cleared up because alot of people tend to call a spade a spade and in some professions it is alot easier to do that then to actually investigate it and find out what it really is. Espescially when the media is involved. Basically thier is one thing that is importnant when it comes to working in the media. You want to be the FIRST .,.. to report the story. How many reporters do you know of that are remembered for being the second person to report the story.
First lets start with some facts. I am a paramedic.

Seems unlikely, you'd think you'd have to graduate high school to qualify to be a paramedic... LOL...

One fact is that of all the initial reason I was dispatched for a 911 call only about 50 percent of them were actually correct when it comes to the actual reason as to why we ended up being called to the scene. I have had calls that were initially called for a cut to the hand and it turns out to be something along the lines of the fact that the patient actually was stabbed in the chest and had some blood on thier hands. The person seeing this blood then turns and calls 911 and says that someone cut thier hand.
On the other hand I have been called for ... and I kid you not... a man down and not responding. Well we drive to the scene with lights and sirens blaring [utting not only our own lives in danger but the other drivers on the road lives at risk. Show up and it turns out that the door was locked and the visiting nurse who showed up couldnt get in because the door was locked. So she called for an ambulance thinking the patient had a heart attack. After spending about a half hour trying to find a way in and also trying to verify that someone was in the house. We broke a window and only to find out the patient had gone to spend a week with thier family in Florida. this is the perfect example that where thier is smoke ndoesnt neccesarily mean there is fire.
One thing I will admit to is that I am a Dallas Cowboys fan. I would love nothing more than to see that this was ntohing more than a case of failure to communicate. The actual police reprt they keep showing looks nothing more to me than an actual printout of the call for the police to go the scene. All calls where there is a possible suicide, the police are dispatched. In order to be dispatched to the scene of a 911 call the dispatcher needs to have some sort of reason to send the ambulance , the police or even the fire department. Now that doesnt happen in alll cases as long as they have sort of reasonable doubt as to thier being an emergency they will send someone. The fact that thier is nowhere near enough paramedics to respond to every call give syou the reason as to why they try to screen calls as for the need of advanced life support versus basic life support.
When you do overdose on something or take something that is considered poisonous to your system what they actually do is they give the activated charcoal and then they give the patinet a nasal gastric tube. This tube goes up your nose and into your stomach. They do this for a couple of reasons. One if the patient doesnt readily take the charcoal and drink it than they give the patient the charcoal through the nose tube. If TO had partaken of this wonderful elixir then you would have seen black stuff around his lips. This stuff stays on your skin for a couple of days and then your bowel movements turn black as well. Needless to say even if you rub and try getting it off it will be on your lips and your teeth as well as your tongue. If you dont drink the charcoal then they would give it through this tube which is very irritating and also they tape it to your nose as well because of the way it goes in your nose. after they give the charcoal they usually will put you on a suction "PUMP" thus pumping your stomach and pulling any and all remnants out of your stomach so as to stop your body from absorbing it. Because of this and the affects form having this in. I just dont see TO sitting at a press conference with a smile on his face. With the way he usually smiles which is what he did at the conference you would have seen the black on his teeth and his tongue. Also usually if you try and commit suicide the physician will keep you for at least 24 hours for obeservation. So as far as the stomach pumping goes... I am on the side of seriously doubting that it happened.
Another thing is that when there is a patient who is had some sort of change in their mental staus thier is a lot of times where you dont actually get the full story until the patient actually starts to become cognisant of whats going on. Considering that most paramedics dont spend anymore than one hour with thier patient. That gives them very little time to gather information about the call and to make an appropriate decision on the problem the patient is having. Though the paramedic is able to increase thier actual ability to diagnose a patient to a number much hugher than fifty percent. Even the physicians at the hospital are unable to gauge it to 100 percent. Thats why doctors have malpractice insurance.

Here's hoping this guy's assorted English teachers have similar insurance...

So in the world of the NFL where you have three sides: the owners, the coach and the player. Adding three more sides into it with the media, police and the paramedics does nothing more than to cloud the situation with more doubt. ONe thing I can say is after seeing Terrell Owens give his press conference I can say that it seems to me that this guy is a very proud man and also very cocky with his life. In my opinion I dont see him trying to commit suicide he is just way to proud for something like that. Doesnt mean it coudlnt happen but if he was truly depressed I think at some point I would have seen that cocky smile that he carries routinely disappear from his face. I am glad he is alright and if he does have any issues I hope he gets the help he needs. Thats just my opinion though. What may you ask gives me the right to give you my opinion? Well three things give me the right. I am a paramedic. I am a football fan and last but certainly not least I am an American. That in and of itself gives me that right and I felt that it would be a disservice on my part not to give freely in that aspect. Not to would only show just how much I didnt care.

Now, if somebody wants to translate this mess into English, I might actually be able to offer a comment on the merits of the post... I count some 40 different errors in this analysis...

Seriously, I'd be too embarrassed to ever post my thoughts if I had this poor schlub's "mastery" of the English language... :bang2:

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