Where were you on September 11, 2001?

I remember it perfectly, i was sleeping when it happened (i lived in the san francisco bay area at the time) and i sleep with my radio on, and the morning guys were talking about how the united states were under attack... i woke up thinking no way, could never happen, some crazy dream i was having.. then i got up and jumped in the shower with the radio on in there, and they said it again, people were calling in all morning talking about it... i was a freshman in high school at the time, in a school with alot of different races, alot of which were middle eastern... there were several studens suspended for attacking middle easterns, there was this one girl that was in my spanish class who was apparently taking alot of BS from people because of where she was from... that day at school we didn't do anything, just talked about it among each others and to the teachers... it was a pretty odd day... at the time i wasn't mature enough to have the effect of what really happen sink in to me... it's the 1 year anniversary that it really hit me... 9-11 is one of the main reasons i believe i'm going to enlist in the military... I can't just sit here reading about all these terrorist attacks, i'm not saying i want to be one of the soldiers who you read about tommorrow that we lost... I have the upmost respect for EVERY soldier\person fighting the war on terror for us, it's not a war we can win, we'll never beable to defeat the evil in this world... but every person that's against them makes it that much harder for them to execute their plans... I agree that 9-11 brought the country together, even alot of the world... it was a very big reality check, I pray that it never happens again...

I was eating my cereal getting ready to got to work that day. I saw what happened and didn't believe the first one was an accident, then the second one.

Funny thing was my neighbors in the apartment next to me were cheering. There had to be atleast 20 people in there cheering like it New Years or something. I called the FBI and they never called me back. But the language the lady spoke that lived there was Arabic. Really shocking.

On a side note: Not too long after that day, the Black Crowes played a show at Auditorium Shores in Austin. They changed the lyrics of the sone "Twice as Hard" and directed it to the terrorists. The WHOLE crowd was chanting USA!! USA!!
I was out on a 6 month deployment on the same ship I am on now, the USS Carl Vinson. We were at the mouth of the Strait of Hormuz and were supposed to go up into the Persian Gulf the next morning, so people were both anxious (since the Strait of Hormuz is like a choke point where ships are EXTREMELY vulnerable) and happy (because that would entitle us to tax-free money as long as we were there)...

It was about 5pm (1700 for you, BP) and I was in our maintenance office and was BSing with the other First Classes in there getting ready to go eat, when the phone rang. My buddy picks up the phone and says "Explosion?? At the World Trade Center? What channel?" We have satellite feed from AFRTS and also DirecTv, and my buddy tells me to just get it to one of the satellite channels... I turned on ABC who was showing GMA at the time, and before we could turn it up all we saw was the tower burning, and we were told over the phone that someone had set off a bomb at the WTC... we just sat there transfixed to the TV... a few minutes later we saw the second plane hit and by that time we KNEW this had to be deliberate... about 5 minutes later the Captain ordered all our planes back and cancelled the remainder of the flight plan for the day, and came over the 5MC (like a PA system) and told everyone who was not on watch to get to a television and turn on the news. He then told us that it was obvious to him that the country had come under attack and to preserve operational security he was shutting down all e-mail and satellite phone systems until further notice... I remember walking down the hangar bay about 2 hours later and just hearing everyone talking about how we were going to make whoever did this pay, and how glad we were that WE were at the tip of the spear...

On October 7, 2001, at about 8pm, (again, 2000 for you BP) I stood up on the flight deck during flight ops and watched ships from our battlegroup launch cruise missiles toward Afghanistan, lighting up the sky and my heart nearly jumped out of my chest... I know I wasn't the only one up there who had tears streaming down my face as I watched F-14's, F-18's, and EA-6B's race cruise missles toward thier Taliban target. I would never change that experience for anything, not even going to a Cowboys Super Bowl... you just can't describe the feeling thoughout your entire body when you know you are kicking the *** of someone who really deserves it...
I was sleeping after a long night of EverQuesting. My brother came in and said hey man check this out a plane hit the WTC in NYC. I said How the hell do you fly a plane into the WTC as I stubled out of my bed and onto my feet. I watched as the 2nd plane hit and all I could think was...

This isnt an accident and those f**kers will pay.

About a minute after the 2nd plane hit I thought... The heat is going to screw up the core of the buildings and they are going to fall.

Shock set in when I saw my thoughts come to life.

I couldnt believe the hate towards us could be so powerful that they would fly our own planes into our own buildings.

I dont think I look at things quite the same anymore. I only wish I couldve done something to stop it.

In this day and age WAR should be fought with words and arguements not with solders and bombs.

Unfortunately it had to be done and so did the Iraq situation and I applaude G.W.Bush for being a man and doing what has to be done even if there is opposition from our own people.

IF YOU READ THIS take a minute and pray for the soldiers and the people who have died for the freedom we take for granted and all those effected by them.

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