Which dark future Movies or TV Shows do you think are most likely to occur?


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the day the earth stood still.
earth vs the flying saucers.
first men in the moon.
hg well's time machine.
war of the worlds.
creature from the black lagoon.
independence day.
the arrival.
the x-files.

all have or will come true.
all based on true stories.


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The Handmaids Tale - We're watching women's rights disappear right before our eyes. The parallels between the movie and what we're seeing in our own country right now give me the willies.

The Day After Tomorrow - Dennis Quaid hiking through the snow looked eerily similar to the scenes we saw unfolding in the Big Bear blizzard, as did the tsunamis of 2004 and 2011, or even the tornado outbreak in early January. Mama Nat is angry and we can't do a thing to appease her.

The Stand - Weaponized influenza? Where have I heard that before?


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
For the odds, I'm going with....
  • The Day After 1 in 2 - Through all the glitzy sci-fi future movies, I still think this cheesy 80's TV movie has the best odds. We end up blowing ourselves up before we get anywhere. History has always had mad men and narcissists who would end the world, they just never had the technology to do so, and it's no longer an exclusive technology.
  • Galactica 1 in 3 - Genetics will become so advanced that companies will either determine your future with your genes or manipulate your birth to do so.
  • Minority Report 1 in 3 - Specifically, the advertising that gives no privacy or tracks your habits. If we're not already there.
  • Don't Look Up 1 in 4 - This new Netflix movie is a dark comedy, but I think it's spot on for modern America. No political spectrum is spared, and I think it's spot on how pop culture in whichever direction you go, not common sense, will result in us not even seeing the problem before it's too late.
  • 12 Monkeys - Less odds only because nature has yet to naturally develop a disease that wipes us out. Probably more likely from a leaked science or military project like this one. If a Discord nerd can get a hold of top military intelligence, only a matter of time before someone who shouldn't gets a hold of a biological bomb. Judging by how society handled a mild one recently, I don't think anyone will take it serious until it's too late.
  • Wall-E or Ready Player One 1 in 15 - Bottom line, people use VR and technology to escape reality. Either the poor use it to deal with an overpopulated, run down world like in Ready Player One, or we all become morbidly obese like in Wall-E since automation does everything. Probably already headed that way.
  • Matrix 1 in 25 - The history part of the trilogy if you watch the Animatrix. A world where AI and robots become advanced, but people treat them like an oppressed minority taking their jobs away (which is true) and force the AI to retaliate. Only a matter of time before a politician realizes the election value of this.
  • Deep Impact 1 in 30 - The more rational side of "Don't Look Up." Nothing we can do. Just kiss your family and hope it doesn't land near you.
  • Terminator 1 in 50 - If we make it that far, AI and robots realize we are pointless. Watching how social media giants have no controls or consideration of its abuse, I'm sure someone will make a code that ends up pulling a Skynet.
I'd like to point out that the old Superfriends (I think it was) cartoon had an episode in which humanity got fat and lazy, because we had robots doing everything. This was decades before Wall-E...Just saying.