Which new shows are you excited for this season?

Anger Management with Charlie Sheen. I am also watching Breaking Amish on TLC about four Amish and one Mennonite who decide to leave their religious compounds for lack of a better world and go to NYC.

Should be interesting to say the least.
Future;4721669 said:
Actually people knew pretty early on that Terra Nova wouldn't last long because the production budget was ridiculously high.


And I'm excited for sons of anarchy season 5. It's a pretty corny show, but the plot is pretty intense.

AND, haha, the new seasons of It's Always Sunny and The League come out in October, Thursday night from 10-11 on FX is the best hour of TV there is.

No one expected a 3.3 rating debut. The lowest predictions I saw were 3.8-4.0. Some were predicting a 5.0 debut, that thing was hyped up. If it settled in above 3.0 it'd be back.
Romo 2 Austin;4722866 said:
No one expected a 3.3 rating debut. The lowest predictions I saw were 3.8-4.0. Some were predicting a 5.0 debut, that thing was hyped up. If it settled in above 3.0 it'd be back.
Early on as in a month after it debuted....

Actually my buddy who works for NBC said a lot of people in the company knew it would fail anyways because it was so expensive. NBC is really struggling right now with its series.
Future;4722890 said:
Early on as in a month after it debuted....

Actually my buddy who works for NBC said a lot of people in the company knew it would fail anyways because it was so expensive. NBC is really struggling right now with its
Not sure how thats relevant because it was on Fox and NBC was rumoured to be looking into reviving the series. 2.5 is massive for them.
American Horror Story is season 2 but a whole new reinvented "story". Looking forward to it.


American Horror Story: Asylum, FX

Season two premieres Wednesday, Oct. 17 at 10 p.m.

Season two is an entirely new story, with a new setting and some of season one's cast returning in different roles. So whatever you think you know about American Horror Story, forget about it. The only thing to take away from season one is that each season will be a completely new story that's self-contained. For season two, Jessica Lange will take center stage for the story, which is set in the 1960s at a mental institution run by Lange's character. The cast includes returning actors Lange, Zachary Quinto, Sarah Paulson, Evan Peters, and Lily Rabe, and new actors James Cromwell, Joseph Fiennes, Franka Potente, Jenna Dewan, Adam Levine, and Clea Duvall.

While there won't be any ghosts this season, the horror will take other forms, said actress Sarah Paulson. "This season is much more of a psychological terror and preying on all of our fears as humans about being left, being unwanted, unloved, and disenfranchised. So it's got, I think, a much more ... I don't know. It taps into a kind of universal fear that we all have. I think that makes it all the more terrifying for me. It's not just about things that go bump in the night."
Romo 2 Austin;4722901 said:
Not sure how thats relevant because it was on Fox and NBC was rumoured to be looking into reviving the series. 2.5 is massive for them.
Well idk what he was talking about then, I was under the impression that it was a NBC show lol
Just watched the Revolution pilot. A+. I was excited because J.J Abrams is attached and it is sci-fi, but this really blew me away. Great show. Anyone on the fence about giving it a shot go for it. It's excellent writing with quite a few twists in only the first episode.

On top of that this will be a hit. The marketing strategy is genius, look at Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Walking Dead etc; they stole this strategy from AMC. They released the pilot weeks before it and they are airing this after the Voice on Mondays. Usually with a new series the pilot episode is the money episode, where you can predict if a show will make it or not but it is not the pilot episode instead it is the week 2 episode. People that watched it a week ago will be pumped for that episode with how they ended this, myself included. I will be watching this live Week 2. Add in the explosive beginning of the first episode and the fact it follows The Voice and it may well pull a 3.0+ in week 2. In other words it would be the biggest hit on NBC excluding the Voice. It's only a 13 episode season so even if it experienced a massive decline in ratings of .1 a week the entire season it would be renewed at 1.7, but it won't fall that low behind The Voice. It should settle in around 2.3-2.5 which would make it safe.

The plot line is similar to Walking Dead in that it is not realistic and it is loaded with action with a group first mentality. I am not saying this will be a phenomenon like The Walking Dead but NBC is giving it every opportunity to be. The short season is the final addition of genius. Instead of a 22 episode season which is the norm on broadcast networks it will allow a shorter run building up more anticipation. If this ends at a 2.5 after the season and NBC makes the right move throwing it right on Netflix for streaming it could easily return next with with a 3.3+, if not higher. This could be the scripted hit to turn the network around.

Anyone who roots for better TV give this a shot, anyone who likes sci-fi give this a shot, anyone who likes action give this a shot, anyone who likes The Walking Dead give it a shot. The pilot is everywhere, you can watch it on demand for free on most cable carriers, Hulu and NBCs' site so very little reason not to check it out. The only people that will regret it are those that can't watch TV without letting their imagination take over, but entertainment is rarely built for them. They can watch MTV.
Romo 2 Austin;4726599 said:
Just watched the Revolution pilot. A+. I was excited because J.J Abrams is attached and it is sci-fi, but this really blew me away. Great show. Anyone on the fence about giving it a shot go for it. It's excellent writing with quite a few twists in only the first episode.

On top of that this will be a hit. The marketing strategy is genius, look at Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Walking Dead etc; they stole this strategy from AMC. They released the pilot weeks before it and they are airing this after the Voice on Mondays. Usually with a new series the pilot episode is the money episode, where you can predict if a show will make it or not but it is not the pilot episode instead it is the week 2 episode. People that watched it a week ago will be pumped for that episode with how they ended this, myself included. I will be watching this live Week 2. Add in the explosive beginning of the first episode and the fact it follows The Voice and it may well pull a 3.0+ in week 2. In other words it would be the biggest hit on NBC excluding the Voice. It's only a 13 episode season so even if it experienced a massive decline in ratings of .1 a week the entire season it would be renewed at 1.7, but it won't fall that low behind The Voice. It should settle in around 2.3-2.5 which would make it safe.

The plot line is similar to Walking Dead in that it is not realistic and it is loaded with action with a group first mentality. I am not saying this will be a phenomenon like The Walking Dead but NBC is giving it every opportunity to be. The short season is the final addition of genius. Instead of a 22 episode season which is the norm on broadcast networks it will allow a shorter run building up more anticipation. If this ends at a 2.5 after the season and NBC makes the right move throwing it right on Netflix for streaming it could easily return next with with a 3.3+, if not higher. This could be the scripted hit to turn the network around.

Anyone who roots for better TV give this a shot, anyone who likes sci-fi give this a shot, anyone who likes action give this a shot, anyone who likes The Walking Dead give it a shot. The pilot is everywhere, you can watch it on demand for free on most cable carriers, Hulu and NBCs' site so very little reason not to check it out. The only people that will regret it are those that can't watch TV without letting their imagination take over, but entertainment is rarely built for them. They can watch MTV.

Also since I saw people talking about how no guns are in the show and that's unrealistic, this isn't really a spoiler you will see this within 5 minutes of turning the episode on, there are guns. They explain why so few people have them with a logical reason, no one will be disappointed by it. They just didn't run with them in ads at all. So that part of the "stupid logic" can be thrown out.
Romo 2 Austin;4726599 said:
Just watched the Revolution pilot. A+. I was excited because J.J Abrams is attached and it is sci-fi, but this really blew me away. Great show. Anyone on the fence about giving it a shot go for it. It's excellent writing with quite a few twists in only the first episode.

On top of that this will be a hit. The marketing strategy is genius, look at Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Walking Dead etc; they stole this strategy from AMC. They released the pilot weeks before it and they are airing this after the Voice on Mondays. Usually with a new series the pilot episode is the money episode, where you can predict if a show will make it or not but it is not the pilot episode instead it is the week 2 episode. People that watched it a week ago will be pumped for that episode with how they ended this, myself included. I will be watching this live Week 2. Add in the explosive beginning of the first episode and the fact it follows The Voice and it may well pull a 3.0+ in week 2. In other words it would be the biggest hit on NBC excluding the Voice. It's only a 13 episode season so even if it experienced a massive decline in ratings of .1 a week the entire season it would be renewed at 1.7, but it won't fall that low behind The Voice. It should settle in around 2.3-2.5 which would make it safe.

The plot line is similar to Walking Dead in that it is not realistic and it is loaded with action with a group first mentality. I am not saying this will be a phenomenon like The Walking Dead but NBC is giving it every opportunity to be. The short season is the final addition of genius. Instead of a 22 episode season which is the norm on broadcast networks it will allow a shorter run building up more anticipation. If this ends at a 2.5 after the season and NBC makes the right move throwing it right on Netflix for streaming it could easily return next with with a 3.3+, if not higher. This could be the scripted hit to turn the network around.

Anyone who roots for better TV give this a shot, anyone who likes sci-fi give this a shot, anyone who likes action give this a shot, anyone who likes The Walking Dead give it a shot. The pilot is everywhere, you can watch it on demand for free on most cable carriers, Hulu and NBCs' site so very little reason not to check it out. The only people that will regret it are those that can't watch TV without letting their imagination take over, but entertainment is rarely built for them. They can watch MTV.

excellent writing??? the sci-fi is terrible, the writing sucks, the acting could take lessons from the writing...i feel like i'm watching another 80s show that when i grew up i was like "wow that was bad" only this time i knew it ahead of time.
Joe Rod;4714647 said:
,,,,. Hopefully Dennis Quaid can make the transition to TV.

When did Dennis Quaid ever make the transition to acting. I am of the opinion he is the worst actor today. Every time I see him in a film I swear I will never watch him again

I have gotten hooked on Boss. Kelsey Grammer is awesome in the role as a mean spirited Chicago Mayor. I would never have imagined he would ever be anything but Frazier Crane but he nails this part. You hate him and love him at hte same time. Great show.
Romo 2 Austin;4726617 said:
Also since I saw people talking about how no guns are in the show and that's unrealistic, this isn't really a spoiler you will see this within 5 minutes of turning the episode on, there are guns. They explain why so few people have them with a logical reason, no one will be disappointed by it. They just didn't run with them in ads at all. So that part of the "stupid logic" can be thrown out.

There is lots of stupid logic left in it; I guess for children and the like it will be interesting

For thinking intelligent adults it is a joke
burmafrd;4727256 said:
There is lots of stupid logic left in it; I guess for children and the like it will be interesting

For thinking intelligent adults it is a joke

The Walking Dead is about zombies.

Do you like Jersey Shore?
The30YardSlant;4722948 said:
Last Resort wil fail miserably, you can only stretch out a plot like that so long.

It doesn't have to be stretched if they know where they're going ahead of time. If they'd write it for 2 seasons and it starts of strong, it could actually make it. If it gets through the first season I will probably watch it, since it sounds relatively plausible.

The rest is all empty junk. I want to like the new Abrams show, but it looks like a bad take off of a couple of books I've read, with personality focus rather than any coherent plot.

Just waiting for the next season of Dexter to come out. Hope it's not terrible, which I've never worried about before..
Family guy!!!!
American dad
Bobs burgers
Boardwalk empire
Ultimate fighter
Flip men
Bar rescue

Fall is the worst time for tv!! All kinds of shows on then you throw in football. You for sure need a dvr during fallish time. Cant think of others right now
Oh, hey, is Conspiracy Theory going to air or are they still conspiring to keep Ventura off the air?

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