Which superhero would you want to become?

Reverend Conehead

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Me? I want to become Suisse-Man, granted he's less well known than Captain America and the others. Suisse-Man is cool, and is always saving the day.

Here's a vid of him. Sorry, there are no English subtitles, but I think you'll understand in context.

Suisse-Man is cool.

Your turn. Which super hero do you want to become?


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From a doing the most good standpoint? Maybe Superman.

Honorable mentions (for those that could do the most good. The list would be a LOT bigger if villains could be chosen but in a heroic sense):

Professor X (This is a darker choice because of telepathy and mind control forcing certain issues)
Reed Richards (Not because of his power but because of his intellect. he could invent solutions for so many world issues)
Firestorm (Turning nukes and WMD's into flowerpots. Hard to top)
Scarlet Witch (if I could be a male version. Reality warping powers. Solve anything)
Storm (If I could be a male version. Solve global warning, draughts, any weather-related problems)

And the list is endless really.

But from a coolness standpoint? Probably Spider-man.


Well-Known Member
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Me? I want to become Suisse-Man, granted he's less well known than Captain America and the others. Suisse-Man is cool, and is always saving the day.

Here's a vid of him. Sorry, there are no English subtitles, but I think you'll understand in context.

Suisse-Man is cool.

Your turn. Which super hero do you want to become?

I’m already Superman so I don’t want to change


Well-Known Member
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From a doing the most good standpoint? Maybe Superman.

Honorable mentions (for those that could do the most good. The list would be a LOT bigger if villains could be chosen but in a heroic sense):

Professor X (This is a darker choice because of telepathy and mind control forcing certain issues)
Reed Richards (Not because of his power but because of his intellect. he could invent solutions for so many world issues)
Firestorm (Turning nukes and WMD's into flowerpots. Hard to top)
Scarlet Witch (if I could be a male version. Reality warping powers. Solve anything)
Storm (If I could be a male version. Solve global warning, draughts, any weather-related problems)

And the list is endless really.

But from a coolness standpoint? Probably Spider-man.

Martian Manhunter can do everything Professor X can do and a whole lot more.