I like Indy. They're fun to watch on offense and defense and do things the way they should be done. I dont think they're gonna get thru Pitt or Tennesse without a running game, but Id Still like to see em take away a little shine from the Patsies as the team of the decade.
Id like to see Miami do well cause it's good for the league to see a team that succeeds by not making mistakes and playing like a team for eachother instead of themselves. Even the biggest mouth on that team(Porter) is praising Pennington and giving him alot of the credit for what's going on with that team. That being said, they're probably gonna lose to Baltimore.
I would've said Arizona cause Kurt has always been underrated to me and Id like to see him solidify his legacy with another franchise, but the Cardinals dont even deserve to be in the playoffs with the way they've played since the Giants game, so forget em.
I just wanna see the Steelers lose. Once they get ring #6, they're gonna be crowned as the best franchise in NFL history while the Boys are likely gonna be stuck at #5 for a long time to come. Plus, Ben is severly overrated.