Well I still have my memories from Austin, it was about 102, there were crispied babies , British folks passing out with no hats , water, or sunscreen.The funniest thing that happened is my friend was leaving and this guy had a Tom Landry autographed picture--sure it was real , he was in about a 1960 truck.The picture looked a little less than authentic ,anyway we got on the shuttle and my friend winked at me and said hey I got Roger Staubach( he scribled it out on the program) and I said yea I got Don Meredith, anyway you had to be there this little kid behind us threw a fit punching his dad saying why didn't we get any of those, where were they,etc..Anyway it is a distant memory.I love the Cowboys with all my heart but traiing camp is boring.All the wrs and qbs look all world no safeties or other blitzers coming at them.It truly is a different game at ground level once they snap the ball it is like a pile of ants swarming, wonder how the qb ever sees anything.for what it is worth went to an Oilers practice and Warren Moon threw the prettiest passes dead on the money than anyone I ever saw.They put in the second string guy and the ball was high or low every time, one more memory here, Jimmy would have the biggest guy line up against the littlest guy one on one I guess it was to build toughness--of course the biggest guy pounded the little cb or whoever it was.Never saw the point of that.My love of the Cowboys began when my father in law was diagnosed with cancer.The team was awful that year it went 0-18 or something like that, the year after they go Troy Aikman.The point is I watched every game with my best friend int he world.I told him I would keep the faith and I have.We had the same birthday..Anyway thanks for letting an old man ramble.I wish I could go one more time with him boring or not.Enjoy the journey life is so short.