Who shares these "feelings" when the Cowboys play


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First of all.
I think that most -if not all- people on this community are decent folks.
We can agree to disagree and handle each other with respect.

There is obviously a whole many of us who are fed up with how the team has been handled in the last 20 years, as well are there are many of you who will have faith and always try to bring up good vibes. I do feel that we can all coexist in a peaceful space...

So here I go.

Who shares these feelings -most of the time- when we see the cowboys play?

1.It is very likely that the opponent team will convert on 3rd and long
2. It i very likely that we will almost always reach a 3rd and long situation
3. It is very unlikely that we will NOT convert on third and long
4. It is most probable that the BIG plays are against rather that in favor of us
5. The team looks childishly predictable.
6. I have come to realize that I no longer celebrate a win, but most of the time a good play just excited me. That is how low my Cowboys have become
