Why are Eagles fans allowed in this group?

Most of the Eagles boards don't even allow other NFC East fans on there board so just wondering why they get to post here and talk stupid? Shouldn't they be on a board with their own fans instead of trolling on a board of a NFC East rival?

Damm they get on my nerves

As Fans usually the Fans from the "south" and fans with a history of football in thier families are classy and want to discuss football, not bash another teams fans. Cowboys fans in Dallas are usually very classy and low key, fans from placed of transient nature like Arizona are more violent in nature and do not do well with Sportsman like football discussions.
As a whole, I have zero respect for Eagles fans, everytime I would see previews for that Bradley Cooper movie with the "Hunger games" chick and he's wearing that dumb Eagles jersey I wanted to throw something

I will NEVER see that movie for that very reason. I can watch Hunger Games and X Men if i want to see Jennifer Lawrence.
I think its more upsetting that they can do whatever they want, but I have to go to a game in Philly in fear and cant wear my jersey or anything to do with the cowboys to make sure i dont get hurt. Cant even cheer for my team, and im driving to philly from Toronto. Yet, they come to Dallas and do whatever they want?
No disrespect to you but.....m.
Dude, don't be in fear of eagles fans, man up! You make us all look bad with that cowardly post. You walk into the Linc like you own the place.
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Because we ain't skeered of no Eagles fan. :igglestrophy:
lol..good point. I really dont mind a good conversation with fans from other brands. Its good to see the perspective from a non bias opinion. Of course if the poster simply has nothing to offer or is on a mission to only cause trouble, it is what these great Mods are for. It is also nice to hear the crisp ring of a good ban hammer every once in a while so, that in its self is also entertaining...;)
Can't recall seeing any Eagles fans or any rival fan for that matter come here trash talking and trying to stir things up. Not saying it hasn't happened but I haven't seen it. I've had a few discussions with fans of other teams and they've all been civil. I think it makes it interesting having rival fans contribute leading up to games vs their team.
No disrespect to you but.....m.
Dude, don't be in fear of eagles fans, man up! You make us all look bad with that cowardly post. You walk into the Linc like you own the place.

I posted on here a month ago, on what to wear to the eagles game in Philly. Not one person said wear you cowboys gear. So either you have never been to philly or read about philly games and the Linc, or you are just trolling. I love the cowboys, i have the star tattooed on my elbow. Sorry, but id rather go enjoy a game without having beer thrown at me, and in fear going to the bathroom and walking back to my hotel. Dont accuse me of being a coward.
We have open-minded, level-headed mods here. That means allowing anyone to join the forum as long as they follow the rules. Their leniency is why a lot of suspect Cowboys are allowed to post here. You take the good with the bad.

Well.... How do you account for me then?
I did that for a while on the eagles forum but got banned for excessive trash talking. Now I pretend I'm an eagles fan and just be really negative/pessimistic all the time. It really riles up the real fans. If any of you guys join, feel free to say hi, my handle is "DJax4lyfe"

That's exactly what a lot of posters on this site do, IMHO.
Most of the Eagles boards don't even allow other NFC East fans on there board so just wondering why they get to post here and talk stupid? Shouldn't they be on a board with their own fans instead of trolling on a board of a NFC East rival?

Damm they get on my nerves

I like the banter. I like to mix it up. And I'll like serving them up some humble pie for Thanksgiving dessert.
I posted on here a month ago, on what to wear to the eagles game in Philly. Not one person said wear you cowboys gear. So either you have never been to philly or read about philly games and the Linc, or you are just trolling. I love the cowboys, i have the star tattooed on my elbow. Sorry, but id rather go enjoy a game without having beer thrown at me, and in fear going to the bathroom and walking back to my hotel. Dont accuse me of being a coward.

I didn't mean it like that dude. I sometimes forget tone of voice doesn't go over well through text.

I totally understand your concerns with going to a Cowboys/eagles game.
I live across the river from Philadelphia, about 20 minutes drive without traffic, so I know what you're talking about.

I've been to many games there over the years. I've sat in the dreaded 700 level of the Vet to cozy seats at the Linc.

I was there when Landry last coached, Aikman separated his shoulder, Kelvin Martin returned his punt that ended our playoff drought, snowball game, E.Smith's 235 yard game in the rain, and many more when the 2000's started.

I've gotten into a fight once in all those years. Just don't be mouthy and you'll be ok. Now a days they have cameras and security all over the place. If someone starts a problem, and they're season ticket holders, they'll take away their seats/tickets.

Will you be called names? Yes.

Will they taunt you? Yes.

Will you be the center of attention at times? Yes.

There are a lot of idiots there. Just remember, when the Cowboys are playing good you'll have more Cowboys fans show up.
I didn't mean it like that dude. I sometimes forget tone of voice doesn't go over well through text.

I totally understand your concerns with going to a Cowboys/eagles game.
I live across the river from Philadelphia, about 20 minutes drive without traffic, so I know what you're talking about.

I've been to many games there over the years. I've sat in the dreaded 700 level of the Vet to cozy seats at the Linc.

I was there when Landry last coached, Aikman separated his shoulder, Kelvin Martin returned his punt that ended our playoff drought, snowball game, E.Smith's 235 yard game in the rain, and many more when the 2000's started.

I've gotten into a fight once in all those years. Just don't be mouthy and you'll be ok. Now a days they have cameras and security all over the place. If someone starts a problem, and they're season ticket holders, they'll take away their seats/tickets.

Will you be called names? Yes.

Will they taunt you? Yes.

Will you be the center of attention at times? Yes.

There are a lot of idiots there. Just remember, when the Cowboys are playing good you'll have more Cowboys fans show up.

Im covered, the Toronto Maple Leafs have the same colours more or less as the Cowboys lol. Ill just wear my Leaf Gear, represent toronto and hope for the best
I saw Invincible and thought it was a good movie.

I'm OK with other fans as long as their feelings don't totally distort reality or their hating looks like a case of rabies.

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